迪士尼的Artemis Fowl |官方預告片


迪斯尼的《阿耳emi彌斯·福爾》(Artemis Fowl)是根據伊恩·科弗(Eoin Colfer)的暢銷書改編而成,是一次奇幻的,引人入勝的冒險,跟隨了十二歲的天才阿耳emi彌斯·福爾(Artemis Fowl)的旅程,他是一線犯罪策劃者的後代,神秘失蹤的父親。在忠實的保護者巴特勒(Butler)的幫助下,阿耳emi彌斯(Artemis)著手尋找他,並發現了古老的地下文明-奇妙的精靈世界。狡猾的阿爾emi彌斯(Artemis)推斷出父親的失蹤與秘密,隱居的童話世界有某種聯繫,他炮製出一個危險的計劃—如此危險,以至於他最終發現自己與無所不能的妖精進行了一場危險的鬥智斗勇。

《阿耳emi彌斯的家禽》由肯尼思·布拉納(Kenneth Branagh)以及費迪·肖(Ferdia Shaw),拉拉·麥克唐納(Lara McDonnell),喬什·加德(Josh Gad),塔瑪拉·斯瑪特(Tamara Smart),諾索·安諾茲(Nonso Anozie),喬什·麥圭爾(Nikesh Patel),阿德里安·斯卡伯勒(Adrian Scarborough)和米蘭達·雷森(Miranda Raison)以及科林·法雷爾(Colin Farrell)和朱迪·丹奇(Judi Dench)執導。肯尼斯·布拉納(Kenneth Branagh),p.g.a。朱迪·霍夫隆德(Judy Hofflund),第由安格斯·莫爾·高登(Angus More Gordon)和馬修·詹金斯(Matthew Jenkins)擔任執行製片人。 Conor McPherson和Hamish McColl撰寫了劇本。


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  1. What if Disney loves Artemis fowl so much, they knew they cant make movies as good as the books are, so they just made a very new version of it to not ashame every Artemis Fowl fan?

    Since i listen to all of the audio books at the moment, I see it that way andi am just so excited to see a NEW ENTRY to Artemis Fowl Universe!
    Like MORE of it! '


  2. the worst part of this is that the original book was such a concise and contained story it'd be easy to adapt pretty accurately and still have a reasonable length movie.

  3. Most people are claiming this is not like books and are angry about it. Let me put it this way, this is a movie, not the book, they can change and adapt the source material as they want, and this may be a new take on Artemis Fowl. We should not look at this with pessimism, but more curious to see this fresh look on Artemis. Just because it doesn't adhere to the source material does not make it inherently bad.

  4. Okay so I read some comments and I think the Artemis fowl from the books is the dad and this movie is a continuation of the series am I only one who got that?

  5. You ruined the plot Disney!!! He was a boy genius and his mom is still alive and he finds holly and his dad knows nothing about fairys…look, im going to vote with my wallet, im not going to watch this collection of trash with the name of a beloved book series. Take your greedy paws off of my childhood you robber!

  6. I'm looking around, & this does NOT look like "greatness". This looks more like the downfall of a beloved franchise.

    (BTW, I've only read the 1st book)

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