
根上方的盆景樹或Sekijoju盆景生長在一塊大石頭上,底部的白嘴鴉被根深蒂固的單個樹根吞沒,這些樹根從樹底的土壤中吸收了營養。這種風格描繪的樹木掉落在一塊大岩石的縫隙中,在有利的時機髮根,找到了岩石底部的土壤,並最終牢固地建立了土壤。該視頻教程向您展示如何創建自己的根基盆景盆景。馬克·德克魯茲(Mark D’Cruz),馬可·盆景(Ma-Ke Bonsai),。

  1. I was wondering why all my plants that I tried to rock over bonsai ended up dying! Thnx man, I will perhaps try this method and see if I have my first sucess.

  2. I attempted this technique on my hydrangea and she went into shock… what do you think I did wrong? I am new to this, so… I am guessing I messed something up

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