使用Spring WebSocket從零到英雄

記錄在SpringOne2GX 2015
主講人:塞爾吉·阿爾瑪(Sergi Almar)
Web / Javascript跟蹤

實時改變了我們與網路交互的方式,我們需要實時的信息。與Sergi Almar一起參加本演示文稿,以學習如何通過實時功能逐步增強傳統的Spring MVC應用程序,以提供更具交互性和吸引力的用戶體驗。首先添加帶有伺服器發送事件的伺服器推送通知(在新的Spring 4.2中受支持),我們將轉向使用WebSockets進行雙向消息傳遞的通信方式。使用Spring實時性再簡單不過了!在擴展我們的WebSocket應用並將其部署到Cloud Foundry時,我們還將看到要考慮的挑戰和考慮因素。 。

  1. How many websocket connections (tcp) can handle a single container? I dont think that for every websocket session a new thread is created because that would be a waste of resources.

  2. Maybe I'm just bad at reading but it took me forever to realize that you need to create your own handshake handler in order to manage specific clients that connect to your server in the documentation. Thank God for this video.

  3. jajajja la persona es muy bueno presentando pero muy malo programando xD, igual le di like porque se dio el trabajo de hacer la presentación, con malas prácticas pero finalmente lo hizo.

  4. Great tutorial. can you give us a necessary configuration to do if we want to send message to a group of user identified by something (idUsers for example). what should we make the modifications ? client side or server side ?

  5. Just curious, will they have good recording equipment this year? so you don't get nausea from watching the recordings?
    Presentations are great, out of focus makes no sense since we are just watching slides.

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