
提高夢想的音量。 #InTheHeightsMovie,僅在2020年影院上映。



華盛頓高地(Washington Heights)上亮起……在第181街地鐵站外,空中掛滿了咖啡廳的氣味,萬花筒般的夢想將這個生機勃勃,聯繫緊密的社區召集起來。在這一切的交匯處,是討人喜歡的,有磁性的雜物店老闆烏斯納維(Usnavi)(安東尼·拉莫斯(Anthony Ramos)),他希望,想像和歌頌美好的生活,從日常工作中省下每一分錢。
「在高處」將Lin-Manuel Miranda的動感音樂和歌詞與導演Jon M. Chu生動活潑,真摯的眼光相融合,以講述故事來捕捉這個世界的大部分位置,但其經驗卻是通用的。
「在高地」中的明星是安東尼·拉莫斯(Anthony Ramos)(「一顆星出生」,百老匯的「漢密爾頓」),科里·霍金斯(Corey Hawkins,「 Straight Outta Compton」,「 BlacKkKlansman」),歌手/詞曲作者萊斯利·格蕾絲(Leslie Grace),梅利莎·巴雷拉(Melissa Barrera)(電視台的「維達」) ,奧爾加·梅雷迪茲(Olga Merediz)(百老匯的「在高地」),達芙妮·魯賓-維加(百老匯的「出租」),格里高利·迪亞茲四世(百老匯的「音樂劇馬蒂達」),斯蒂芬妮·比阿特麗斯(Stephanie Beatriz)(電視台的「布魯克林9-9」),達沙·波蘭科(Dascha Polanco(電視台的「橙色是新黑人」和吉米·史密茨(「星球大戰」電影)。
Chu導演的電影是QuiaraAlegríaHudes的電影劇本。它基於音樂劇舞台表演,由Lin-Manuel Miranda創作,帶有音樂和歌詞,由QuiaraAlegríaHudes創作,並由Miranda創作。 《在高地》由Miranda和Hudes以及Scott Sanders,Anthony Bregman和Mara Jacobs共同製作。 David Nicksay和Kevin McCormick擔任執行製片人。
在攝影機的背後,朱與他的「瘋狂的亞洲富人」製作設計師Nelson Coates和編輯Myron Kerstein團聚。他還與攝影總監愛麗絲·布魯克斯(電視台的《行屍走肉》)和服裝設計師米切爾·特拉弗斯(《八年級》)合作。編舞由克里斯托弗·斯科特(Christopher Scott)組成,克里斯托弗·斯科特(Christopher Scott)之前曾與朱(Chu)合作,曾獲獎無數。
「在高地」在紐約拍攝,主要是在充滿活力的華盛頓高地社區拍攝的。定於2020年6月26日發布,它將由華納兄弟影業在全球發行。 。

  1. In the movie theater a white couple in front of us (after the trailer was over) said very loudly,」 why was that so loud?all of their kind are always loud」 and I immediately said, 「Our kind? We have to be loud for people to hear our voices.」

  2. am I the only one here that came here after it was announced that they moved the release date to the 30th of October?i need this right now god

  3. i'll be real, i'm pretty white assimilated and can't relate super hard to this experience, but to see so many latinos (black, brown, or otherwise) in one film really makes me want to cry from happiness as a latino myself.

  4. I'm so sad this is getting postponed bcuz of covid-19 but i get it and i'm also happy they did it so that we won't have to wait even longer if someone would get sick bcuz of it

  5. I totally get and understand the reasoning for it (everyone wash your hands and stay indoors!)….but my God it's so crushing that this got delayed and with no new release date to boot.

    Oh well, if the lead characters of this movie could wait for "when we go from poverty to stock options", I'm sure I can wait a few extra months for In The Heights.

  6. I have watched this so many times now! this film is gonna be revolutionary! I reckon I'm gonna crying… a lot… into my popcorn… the whole way through 🙂

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