PS5確認規格:10.3 Teraflops,16GB RAM,快速SSD,3D音頻,PS4向後兼容性

索尼剛剛舉行了今年的GDC的「通往PS5之路」的演示!現在,系統架構師Mark Cerny對PS5進行了非常詳盡的技術分解,因此我們可以最終分解有關Sony下一代硬體的一些實際信息。激動人心的時刻已經過去,我們知道RAM,CU,teraflops,GHz,3D音頻,向後兼容性,我們了解了所有事實,我給您留下深刻的印象。越來越多的人了! PS5聽起來好像有很多激動人心的工具向開發人員開放,我迫不及待地想看看他們如何使用它。我也迫不及待地想看到所有的爭吵和爭論。但是,您知道,領土來了!






Grapes的Outro歌曲「 I dunno」:

Ryan Little的音樂:

埃迪·胡(Eddie Hoo)

#PS5#PlayStation5 #Sony。

  1. The audio is great, but Sony is just now catching up with what Microsoft did this generation already from 2013. That's why they had Dolby Atmos and Microsoft just enhanced their audio with Project Triton and also ray-tracing.

    It's a big leap for Sony's PS5, but this is one feature that Microsoft has been ahead of Sony now for almost a decade. Microsoft has the same features and the same sound room as they showed in this video.

    Here is an example of the pictures to show you….

    Project Triton that will be in the next Xbox along with raytraced audio.

    Project Triton Video

    Here is some more (if you are not a techy, you should watch this video)….

    Please remember, because Microsoft is working on Hololens, it allows them to work further on this tech full time.

  2. 20-30% stronger GPU
    – 44% more dedicated ray tracing hardware
    – VRS = 20-30% better frame rates
    – DLSS machine learning = 20-30% better frame rates
    – No variable speeds. Straight power all the time!
    – 12 TFlops ALL THE TIME
    – Direct X 12 make porting from PC and Xbox super easy (extending cross play)
    – Game Pass
    – 15 studios
    – Take all your games with you on the go with Xcloud

  3. Game developers are more excited about PS5 28% at the developers convention voted that they are more excited to work on games for it over the X-box. So I will be getting the PS5 after seeing this and my plan was to get x-box and just use ps4 for ff7re. But guess Ill be going with PS5 for it.

  4. The fact that the PS5 isn't fully compatible with PS4 is not only laughable, but confirmation I won't be buying this at launch.

  5. How the hell is that GPU going to run on 2.23Ghz when even Nvidia chips never achieved that overclock? (Radeon highest today is 1.8Ghz think)?

  6. slow old sata ssd vs new nvme fast one, not even a 1 sec load times difference in a game like witcher 3… you wont see anything special sony ssd related trick compared to what any pc or xbox can do with ssd.

    The marketing BS of using variable clockspeeds for more consistency is just hilarious blatant lie…

  7. Xbox is slower. PS5 is faster.

    PS5 has a much faster GPU. Xbox has slightly more teraflops, but the PS5 has significantly faster clockspeed. The PS5 will end up more powerful in the end, especially since PS5 games have close to zero loading. That just shows you how advanced the hardware is. And the exclusives? PS5 exclusives will look a generation ahead.

    Sony will win next gen as well.

  8. This is what next-gen SSDs, instantaneous loading and no pop-in textures could do for gameplay:

    Think about a really dense urban enviroment, like a market with lots of highly fleshed out npcs. Like in Cyberpunk 2077 or Elderscrolls 6.

    Normally you couldn't have that many npcs or that detailed textures on npcs, spawning in and out because of load times. Now that bottleneck isn't there any more.

    Or even wilder – imagine having an action or fight scene happening while traversing portals. Picture Ciri from the Witcher being chased through a series of portals taking her through many differt worlds, all in real time gameplay. This isn't possible with current gen tech.

  9. I actually loved the conference. It's too bad it went over most people's head. If you had gotten it, you would be PUMPED for PS5. It was designed to have no bottlenecks, and just be a speed demon. In some ways, it will have more power than the xbox. I also could care less about backwards compatibility , but that's just me.

  10. I must admit i was there with the launch of PS4, but no more,I've been so disillusioned with SONY and there antics they've got up to,ive really had enough,love watching tech videos, but that's enough for me, for the PLAYERS,i don't think so, the more these guys get, the more they want,and the less you get for supporting them,just goes on,im walking away with this generation thankfully,got it out of my system,its beyond ridiculous now,there is making money then there is pure greed,and i feel sad for that,i really do,and i was there from the start,in the 90`s,no more,enough is enough,good luck though,as i loved the concept of SONY,when it started.

  11. Its not true that the 12 tflops of Xbox will be more powerful than the 10 of ps5 because in the presentation it was said that ps5』s 36 compute units are equivalent to 58 of ps4』s since the ps5』s have 60% more transistors. In the end the ps5 gpu might be even more powerful than the xbox.

  12. So by Sony logic i should keep my outdated cpu with intel graphics but get good fast ssd so i will have better graphics than rtx , 4k and more fps

  13. I can't decide if you don't know what your talking about, or your meaning to talk shit to whip up the fanboy crap, or your so blinded by your own fanboy mentality that you can't accept the truth.
    You over stated the Sony flops and under stated the xbox flops.
    You said xbox can only use the proprietary expandable  storage, in reality just like the ps5 the xbox will accept your old hdds as mass storage.
    You said Sony titles will be only developed  for ps5 making them take full advantage of the ssd, again not true Sony have started putting there first party games on pc now, there's a vast array of speeds that need to be catered for.
    Let's be real, Sony took the win on the ssd and probably the audio, xbox took the win on everything else.
    In an ideal world put ps5s ssd and audio into the xbox
    and everyone would be happy.
    Since that's never happening, keep it real with the correct info so  You don't mislead people into making the choice you want them to make.

  14. Fuck DVD content why dont we use cartridges like old times can store ALOT more information on them if needed say like 100+GB DVD are susceptible to scratching and ruining the playability of the disc

  15. Weird comments, guys you need to know that new SPU chip on PS5 will handle all sound, so bassicly leaving all TEraflops free for graphics and blalblabla. Since X tower, using all teraflops for everything, leaving for graphics some around 9 Teraflops. So people relax. There a huge possibility both console are pretty equal in preforming. IMO PS5 even more

  16. So disappointed with the Sony tech specs. Apart from the kick arse SSD it looks like they've gone cheap and light on for the sake of build cost. I wanted a beast that would stand the test of time not a second rate rig that's a few$$ cheaper! I'd swap that audio BS for a few extra Tflops any day – do it Sony

  17. This comment section is full of damage control. I mean, I expected at least PS1 – PS2 Backward Compatibility. It doesn't matter if the specs are lower than XSX. But they couldn't. They didn't even find a way to upscale those damn PS4 games. Legacy mode? Are you kidding me?

    They just screwed up.

  18. Look forward to ps5 and xbox sx, but XSX will be my preferred for 3rd party same as xbox x over ps4 pro for 3rd party.

    It is important for Sony to remain profitable and in the gaming platform, especially with Apple, Google and Amazon entering as well with cloud streaming.

  19. People like to say it's not about specs its about games. Deve want their games on the console with the best specs and that's Xbox. Sony messed up this time wit the ps5 and studios are trying to leave Playstation to get their games on Xbox because its the better system i.e. MLB the show. This is an epic fail by Sony Xbox has won

  20. There is still no reason to buy an xbox if you have a PC. PS is the obvious choice in that case, so it』s been PS5 for me even before the release of the specs. Box gives me very little compared to PS.

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