
當中國皇帝頒布法令,要求每個家庭一個人必須在帝國軍中服役,以保衛北方侵略者的時候,一位尊敬的戰士的長女華慕蘭(Hua Mulan)介入,取代了病危的父親。作為一個化裝為華軍的男人,她經過了每一步的考驗,必須充分利用自己的內在力量,發揮自己的真正潛力。這是一次史詩般的旅程,它將使她轉變成一名尊貴的戰士,並贏得她一個感恩的民族……和一個驕傲的父親的尊敬。 《花木蘭》以國際知名演員陣容為特色,其中包括:劉以非飾演花木蘭;甄子丹飾董統帥傑森·斯科特·李(Jason Scott Lee)飾演鮑里·汗(BöriKhan);安森(Yoson An),程宏輝;以鞏俐為咸娘,李連杰為皇帝。這部電影是由尼基·卡羅(Niki Caro)導演的,電影改編自里克·賈法(Rick Jaffa)和阿曼達·西爾弗(Amanda Silver)以及伊麗莎白·馬丁(Elizabeth Martin)和勞倫·海因克(Lauren Hynek),該電影取材於敘事詩《花木蘭的民謠》。


  1. Looks like movie theaters are going to be shut down even longer than before, and I now have to wait another 3 weeks into April to see this movie!!!!! Hope to see it in the theater but if longer than that possibly a DVD movie release.

  2. never support this movie. the actress has expressed strong support to the CCP. for the people affected by the CCP virus. please do not support this movie.

  3. At first I kindaaaa turn off because my 2 favorite characters (as a kid ofcourse) is Mushu and Cricket are not there, I thought it was going tobe another "Lion King" movie. But after rewatch the trailer, I think Disney is trying to do something new here because this doesn't look like a kid movie, and I hope it will not, it's a movie about war so if they don't hold back on the "dark" aspect, it can be good.

  4. No Li Shang, not going to the cinemas. No thank you Disney. Seriously cutting the ONLY male complementary that is treating the opposite as an equal, with compassion and truly falling in love because of admiration for each other. THATS FEMINISM YOU DUMBASSES, SHOWING RELATIONSHIPS OF MUTUAL RESPECT. INSTEAD of a fucking white prince coming out of nowhere to safe a freaking princess that can』t help herself.
    I waited for her story and this lovestory to air. For young girls to realize they don』t need men that save us, only partners to see our strengths and accept them as they are, and the other way round. Not for our looks but our hearts and skills.

    FYI: AND OC HE WANTS TO MAKE A MAN OUT OF HER AND BOSSES HER AROUND, HE THINKS SHE IS A FREAKING BOY WTF. Can somebody show the the movies again. Wow so disappointed. And it』s a pitty cause the Mulan actress is stunning.

  5. Where is Mushu ?? And Shang ?? At least i hope they puted the trainning song on the movie, but this movie will not be that good ( i guess) because they didn't make Mushu bc it is not realistic on a war but they puted a witch….. BRO WTH ?

  6. 웩 중화사상에 찌든 중국인이지만 뮬란이랑 똑같이 생기고 연기력도 나쁘지 않은 유역비를 데리고서 남주도 없는 상태에서 이상한 마녀를 데리고와서 영화를 찍은 이유가 뭘까,,, 평론가들이 원작이랑 너무 다름에도 불구하고 영화 자체는 괜찮다고 했지만,,, 저 이상한 마녀 어쩔거야,, 마녀 좀 없애봐 남주 없어도 괜찮으니깐

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