
什麼是冠狀病毒(COVID-19)?世界衛生組織於2020年1月宣布新的#冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)爆發為全球衛生緊急情況。約翰霍普金斯大學醫學中心的專家正在密切監視該病毒的傳播,並提供有關該疾病是什麼以及如何幫助的有用信息。防止傳播。有關更多信息,請訪問#JohnsHopkins Medicine冠狀病毒網站。 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/coronavirus

什麼是冠狀病毒? (0:45)。

  1. My question is that if a person is Corona affected in stage1 and everyday he or she stops water and food for 12 to 14 hours from morning 6am to evening 7 pm. Will it be a helpful or harmful for that stage1 patient. Why and how is important.

  2. I'm sure this was great in February, but the information has changed so much, I'm wondering why this is still part of the course I'm taking.

  3. Tks much and pls help Italy in the way you can, we are now the most contaminated country, especially Bergamo the main afflicted city, we got 71thousand contaminated and more than 7 thousand deads, we need specialized docs, protective masks, tampons, pieces of machinery, we are collapsing, some nations have stolen our medical stuff destined to us from China, pls do not steal us it, we need it to survive, best wishes to everyone in the world!

  4. It is a corona virus modified by the Chinese as a weaponized virus to be used aggressively in a war situation, It was manufactured in a Chines military virus research facility near the city of Wuhan and this is a fact. It actually has an Aids component engineered into it as well.

  5. Excuse me , please give medicinal plants mainly tulsi to the victims . Because it is anti-viral , anti-bacterial. So, please do this it was my suggestion

  6. I'm only 11 but I feel like people could get transmitted when they physically touch another's germs like when shaking their hands, when that person also had germs to their body, and those germs are colliding into a new chemical.. but sense this virus was caused by an animal it could always be durable when the human and animal germs collided. OOOF. I'm not the smartest person but that was just another thing to investigate.

  7. If the name of virus can change to covid the meaning is we already fine the way to clean the virus to safe the human but now no medican for virus but the world can change name what are the saintis doing now for safe the life of people in the planet pls hury up if time is end the world be carring only sound we can hear all virus are have time but this virus already kill milion of inocent people in 1789 take time only 3 years but now this virus end 2 years balance 1 years pls safe human inocent live from change name virus to fine better medican pls saintis try the best of best our berlive only medican god with you all tq

  8. May be some indirect alternative medicines are there in Ayurveda/Unani/Homeo for Carona….But at present situation for curing of Lakhs, Crores people….Genetic Editing only best Technique to Vanish Carona effect….If any Gene experts plsss focus in this direction & invent best & economical gene edit….

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