
查看這10個Photoshop技巧,這些技巧將解決您在Photoshop中遇到的幾乎所有問題,並獲得最快的性能。柯林·史密斯(Colin Smith)向您展示了基本的偏好設置,以及如何優化Photoshop以及避免使您減速的不良技術。


#photoshop #photoshop提示#speedupPhotoshop。

  1. THIS VIDEO JUST SAVED MY LIFE AND STOPPED ME FROM HAVING TO BUY A NEW LAPTOP. So grateful!!! This is insane, I have been struggling for two years as a young design freelancer with my laptop's horrifically slow and laggy performance. I was about to resignedly start looking for new laptops, didn't want to bite the financial cost, but decided to check youtube to see if there were any possible solutions…even to make my life with the program a little more bearable while I waited on the new laptop order. But now, after implementing these tips, Photoshop is literally BUTTERY smooth like you said. My computer feels like an entire different machine. And the fixes were so simple too! You are the man!!! You just saved me time, money, sooo much frustration – thank you so much for your expertise and easy tips. I'm freaking out right now honestly!! I never comment on things, either. But I just had to say a huge thank you. THANK YOU ??

  2. I just bought an imac 2019 and my Photoshop is slow and slawing 🙁 ( I do photomanipulations) sad because I thought buying a new computer would solve my problems with slow Photoshop. Which computer should I buy??

  3. Great video, but dont helped me. After upgrade to windows 10 I have in Photoshop unwanted disortions when i'm zooming or moving something on canvas :/

  4. COLIN PLEASE accept this thank you .. as i have been 2 years at photo school and a year looking online about lagging and gliching , specifically when zooming or using space bar and draw * mac book 2015 15. YOU SIR ARE PROFESSOR . 
    ( P.s fixed issue by changing drawing mode to advanced 3:35 if anyone wondering )

  5. Hello Colin
    Thank you for great the information!  
    I need your help to decide which configuration I have to go with new Mac machine probably will go to the iMacPro 
    I use a medium format camera which is phase one IQ150. And i work on 16bit in photoshop so my files are so big and can reach 9GB . My problem is that when opening the file or saving it it』s taking too much time, 9 minutes for saving , so i want to know which component of the computer affect the speed of especially saving the image. Is it the ram, cpu, the speed of the SSD, GPU or all of them?
    Your reply is highly appreciated.
    Thank you

  6. The final tip helped me! I lost a couple of buttons in photoshop, the history button, to show what steps I had just done, and I lost a tool on the left because I right clicked on it, opening other options and couldn』t remember where it was. So I used the reset, and , boom, it』s all back to normal. Thank you.

  7. Knew most of them, but it was very handy having the reminder about how to save my settings, that way a backup can be made if things go Weird! Nice one Colin!

  8. Most of the stuff you were talking in this video is very useful to me. I spend lots of time on photoshop and its great to learn new things about how to run it in best way possible. I actually will go today to buy an external ssd drive for scratch disc. Cheerio.

  9. Hey great video! Most hard-core users probably already know most of these, but for us casual users (I use Lightroom for 95% of my editing) it was a real benefit! I LOVE the ability to use multiple/alternative scratch disks… That might be my favorite tip. Also, the home screen was really bugging me so I'm glad I nixed that. Thanks!

  10. Great tips.. I wonder though if you reset Photoshop will you lose all your third party plug-ins like Topaz and etc. And I think it goes back to default brushes and etc. So you might need to save them first. right?

  11. Thank you for all your help you give the public with your fantastic tutorials.  I have had a problem with raw when editing images.  Looks like a jigsaw puzzle.  Am going to try out no 5 and see if that helps.

  12. In Windows, Preferences is under the Edit Menu. I changed my memory setting to 75%, I also use and have other programs running as well. These are all good tips.

  13. Thank you for these tips. I was wondering if you had any tips for making the spot healing brush work better for me. I loved it in elements 12 because it worked extremely well. Now that I have switched to the full version, I find that I can't get to work for me now.

  14. My PS gets stuck when using selection and mask with my Wacom tablet, this doesn』t happen with the mouse. I have read in PS forum that other users have the same problem. Any suggestion to fix this?

  15. Thanks Colin. Really interesting. The sort of thing no-one ever tells you. Love the Home Screen and File handling tips. I have been moving an image with the move tool for some time but did not realise it was the better way.

  16. Question: If I choose my solid state drive as the one to run Ps, does that mean if I open a Ps file from another drive, it will use the RAM from the solid state to run it, even if not saved there? My solid state got too full, I had to move many Ps files, but pretty cool if once brought into Ps, the file is run using the SS drive. Oh, and I tried the relaunch, did not work.

  17. Great tutorial, Colin! I'm a keyboard shortcut kind of guy, but I hadn't considered what using the Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V was doing to my clipboard size. I will definitly start using the method you suggested. Thanks.

  18. Didn't know about the scratch discs. Have it set up now to give preference to a spare 1TB SSD that I wasn't otherwise using. Learned a couple of other things as well. Thanks.

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