1917年-官方預告片 [HD]


榮獲奧斯卡獎的《天降》,《幽靈》和《美國美女》導演薩姆·門德斯(Sam Mendes)將他的奇異願景帶入了他的第一次世界大戰史詩《 1917年》。


1917年由薩姆·門德斯(Sam Mendes)執導,他與克里斯蒂·威爾遜·凱恩斯(Krysty Wilson-Cairns)(Showtime的Penny Dreadful)共同創作了劇本。這部電影是由Mendes和Pippa Harris(《革命之路》聯合執行製片人;《 Away We Go》的執行製片人)為其Neal Street Productions的Jayne-Ann Tenggren(節奏組的聯合製片人,Spectre的聯合製片人)製作的,卡勒姆·麥克杜加(Callum McDougall)(執行製片人《瑪麗·波平斯歸來》(Mary Poppins Return,Skyfall))和布萊恩·奧利弗(Brian Oliver)(執行製片人,《 Rocketman》;《黑天鵝》)。

這部電影是由Neal Street Productions為DreamWorks Pictures和New Republic Pictures聯合製作的。環球影業將於2019年12月25日在國內限量發行這部電影,並於2020年1月10日在全球範圍內發行。環球影業和Amblin Partners將在全球發行這部電影,eOne代表英國的Amblin發行。

  1. This movie fucking sucked so bad the scenes didn't make no fucking sense and one time the lead character barely touched someone and they died… Fuck this movie and fuck u

  2. virtual Agent spammed all of us with a 「useful video」 that is not related to this movie or its trailer. Please do me a favor and report the hell out of this bot.
    —a pissed-off Admin

  3. فلم اوسكاري في كل شيء سيبقى في ذاكرتي الى الابد . كمية الحزن فيه كبيرة جداً . تحياتي لكم من العراق العظيم .

  4. one of the most stupid war movies i ve ever seen, scenario is as thick as a sheet of paper but so many discrepancies you could fill a phonebook… cinematography is off course nice, but it s really the only point about it !

  5. No war film lives up to saving private ryan, that being said, what a boring a movie, hardly any action, and somehow a fucking pilot gets shots down and does a battlefield 1 kill and stabs dude on the ground, somehow. Anyways, another boring war film,

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