冷凍2 |官方預告片2




  1. I was geeked to see this movie. It is so trash. My god. It is so bad. How did they manage to ruin it? It's a series of a whole bunch of bad songs. Elsa always running. Anna being wise. I can barely get through it. Bad story. Trash plot. Exposition galore!!!!

  2. I swear my favourite scene is when Anna says "If you don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire " It was so powerful and I just love Kristen Bell's voice so much.

  3. Plot Twist : Elsa actually is a daughter to Aang and Katara from Water Tribe…. Later she will continue her study at X-Men School and will join Avenger's Team

  4. From the tiny-hat people Walt Disney hated and warned about, and have completely taken over his creation. Even half the leads are tiny-hat people. 2% of the population and half the stars, but nobody is complaining about "representation".
    Just let the propaganda seep into your child's mind. What evil, old, huwite men built must be destroyed to make the world right for "PoC". Strong, independent wahmen will fix everything, with help from otherwise-useless, ally simps following them around, which is the only way huwite males can be viewed as acceptable.

  5. I just watched the movie. Gotta say I enjoyed it. And only one plot hole really. Anyway onto my point. The Frozen 1 singing was used very well to tell a story. In this one, there were way to much singing scenes. And were not very original. And most were unnecessary sometimes a movie doesn't need a full sound track. So Disney just because one soundtrack is a financial success and hit. It doesn't mean they all will be. So stop trying to make millions of dollars off of every movie with lackluster uninspiring unoriginal music. Aka the soundtrack sucked I wont be buying it. Unlike I did with the Frozen1 soundtrack.

  6. Hoesntly Frozen 1 was alot better part 2 was like a squeezed potatoe leaking meaning to much unanswered questions and it's easy to get lost

  7. Who else thinks frozen 2 ripped off Moana, she went into the unknown just to find out the spirit she's looking for was more or less herself.

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