黑暗的水域|官方預告片| 11月22日上映

馬克·魯法洛(Mark Ruffalo)在#Darkwaters中出演。



主演:馬克·魯法洛(Mark Ruffalo),安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway),蒂姆·羅賓斯(Tim Robbins),比爾·坎普,比爾·坎伯

托德·海恩斯(Todd Haynes)執導
馬里奧·科雷亞(Mario Correa)和馬修·邁克爾(Matthew Michael)的劇本



  1. After watching the movie, I thought I couldn't get anymore upset. I went on the Internet, and low and behold that fkin company is STILL ON THE FORTUNE TOP 100 LIST!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDIN' ME???

    Wow, there is truly no justice. True justice, meaning both in scale and in severity of the situation, only exist in fiction. Now, money rules all. What a sick dystopian society we are in right now.

    I remembered being a child and reading on the newspaper the horrifying impact of agent orange on the people of Vietnam. I thought we as a race already passed that phase. Oh my, how naive was I.

  2. For yall its not just Dupont. Its google, apple, Exxon-Mobil, etc. the system is rigged the united states doesn't care of 99% of its population only the money. It's not almost heaven its a dumpster for the non-rich

  3. THESE MOVIES, whether true stories, realistic fiction, or fantasy are ALL BASED ON REAL LIFE EVENTS HAPPENING NOW. It's happening right now. The revolution IS not being televised.

  4. there's more truth in this and how planet earth actually is and the family's who run it like dupoints ..fucking narcissist psychopathic families who dont give a flying fuck about human beings the rocker-fellas are another bunch of cock sucking dogs as well ffffuck them all and henry kissenger …keep waking up people wake the fuck up see the light ffffuck the dark cabal

  5. This movie is a good example why we need a strong EPA and change the laws. New lobbying laws that put checks on large industry & money interests from influencing politicians in the House and Senate. Change is possible with the right politicians.

  6. Great man who literally save the world… Still all water is contaminated and as the end of the film states 99% of people in this world has contained this PFOA in their body

  7. I grew up in WV in Vienna, even there you dont talk about DuPont. My family got out and got to Indiana, and I hope these people who were doing this burn. This is Vault-Tec levels of fucked up and corruption.

  8. Who ever was involved in the periodic style of this movie must have been born after the 90s because they have this rich lawyer driving an old ass car from the sixties and acting like it's new???

  9. Looks like a good story, shame the leed is a Trump bashing SJW, I Would have watched this otherwise (Australian Conservative)

  10. Boring as hell. Nothing happens and it's 2+ hours long. It's all about bureaucracy. It has about 2 minutes where it TRIES to be a thriller pretending there was a risk to his and the plaintiff's lives but it fails to provide any suspense. Go read about it on Wikipedia and save yourself two hours.

  11. This is a terrible story of chemical poisoning and corporate greed and complete lack of values and morality, and it's great that the story has a big screen outlet. Also, Google BPA/BPS.

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