4K電視慢嗎?加速智能電視|改善Android TV的性能|索尼Bravia電視Wifi應用指南2020


您的Android Smart TV太慢了嗎?在嘗試以高寬頻Internet速度流式傳輸在線實時內容時是否遇到緩衝問題?因此,如何提高智能電視的速度-這裡提供一些有用的技巧。




  1. Sir can u please guide me on how to increase speed of youtube video on tv? Because I dnt get playback speed option on youtube tv ..I hv MI tv ..
    N thanks fr video it was vry helpful

  2. Sir , what is the minimum RAM requirement for android TV ? Even the budget TV launching these days have only within 2GB only. Today one Vu cinema TV launched. It has got better features. But 1.5 GB RAM with Android Pie. That looks is weired for me. Why manufacturers not providing at least 4GB. Or is this sufficient ?

  3. My tv is a 43 inch 4K smart tv and it was made in 2019 it』s called toshiba but it』s very slow to respond when I press something it take half a second to a full second to respond and it』s not my WiFi my WiFi is very fast and I recently got a new WiFi, Idk if it』s the remote or the tv but it just doesn』t seem like it』s the tv cuz it』s literally brand new but that remote came with it, is there anything I can do please tell me

  4. Bought sony x80g 43 inch recently for Rs 55k, and I feel home screen, scrolling the apps page and opening Apps is very slow. Why companies make slow TV even after charging almost double from their competitors.

  5. I've a dual band wifi one has 200mbps and one has 30 mbps… my smart tv doesn't show the 200mbps network it only shows 30 mbps … same problem is with my old laptop but my tv is made in 2019 … what's the matter pls reply

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