

邁克爾·B·喬丹(「黑豹」,「信條」,「信條II」)和奧斯卡獎得主傑米·福克斯(Jamie Foxx)(「雷」,「嬰兒司機」,「 Django:未捆綁」)和布里·拉爾森(「房間」,「玻璃城堡」(「驚奇隊長」)是「正義憐憫」中的主角,這部令人振奮的劇集將我們這個時代最重要的故事之一帶到了大銀幕上。
獲獎電影製片人德斯汀·丹尼爾·克雷頓(Destin Daniel Cretton)(《玻璃城堡》,《短期學期12》)根據布萊恩·史蒂文森(Bryan Stevenson)屢獲殊榮的非小說類暢銷書,執導了由他執筆的編劇。
《正義憐憫》(Just Mercy)是一部有影響力且發人深省的真實故事,講述了年輕的律師布萊恩·史蒂文森(Bryan Stevenson)(約旦)及其為正義所做的歷史性戰鬥。從哈佛大學畢業後,布萊恩(Bryan)選了一些賺錢的工作。相反,他在當地倡導者伊娃·安斯利(Larson)的支持下前往阿拉巴馬州捍衛那些被錯誤譴責或沒有得到適當代表的人。他的首個也是最具煽動性的案件之一是沃爾特·麥克米利安(Foxx),他於1987年因臭名昭著的謀殺一名18歲女孩而被判處死刑,儘管有大量證據證明他的純真和唯一針對他的證詞來自一個有撒謊動機的罪犯。在隨後的幾年中,當布萊恩(Bryan)為沃爾特(Walter)和其他類似他的人而戰時,他們陷入了法律和政治手段的迷宮,並公開和毫不掩飾地種族主義,而賠率和制度卻與之抗衡。
主要演員還包括羅伯·摩根(Rob Morgan,飾演「泥濘」),他是同胞囚犯赫伯特·理查森(Herbert Richardson),他也坐在死囚牢中等待命運。蒂姆·布萊克·納爾遜(Tim Blake Nelson)(「伍姆伍德」)飾演拉爾夫·邁爾斯(Ralph Myers),他對沃爾特·麥克米蘭(Walter McMillian)的重要證詞備受質疑;拉菲·斯帕爾(Rafe Spall)飾演湯米·查普曼(Tommy Chapman),他是為捍衛沃爾特(Walter)的信念和判決而奮鬥的人;和O’Shea Jackson Jr。(「 Straight Outta Compton」)為Anthony Ray Hinton,另一位被判有罪的死囚囚犯,其原因由Bryan承擔。
這部電影是由兩次獲得奧斯卡提名的吉爾·內特(Gil Netter)(「 Pi的一生」,「失明的一面」),艾舍爾·戈德斯坦(Ashe Goldstein)(「短學期12」)和邁克爾·喬丹(Michael B. Jordan)共同製作的。布萊恩·史蒂文森,邁克·德雷克,尼婭·庫肯達爾,加布里埃爾·哈蒙德,丹尼爾·哈蒙德,斯科特·布德尼克,傑夫·斯科爾和查爾斯·D·金擔任執行製片人。
克雷頓(Cretton)與安德魯·蘭納姆(Andrew Lanham,以下簡稱「玻璃城堡」)共同撰寫了劇本,改編自史蒂文森(Stevenson)的書《正義》(Just Mercy):正義與救贖的故事。這本書由Spiegel&Grau於2014年出版,在《紐約時報》的暢銷書排行榜上花了超過150周的時間,而且還在不斷增加。它還被《時代》雜誌等多家頂級出版物評為年度最佳書籍之一。就這本書而言,史蒂文森還獲得了安德魯·卡內基卓越獎章,NAACP圖片獎和非小說類的代頓文學和平獎。
Cretton的幕後創意團隊包括攝影總監Brett Pawlak,製作設計師Sharon Seymour,編輯Nat Sanders和作曲家Joel P. West,他們以前都與導演合作過《玻璃城堡》。服裝設計師Francine Jamison-Tanchuck(以下簡稱「底特律」,「羅馬·以色列」,Esq。)也加入了他們的行列。
            Warner Bros. Pictures與Endeavor Content /一個社區/參與者媒體/ Macro共同呈現了Gil Netter的作品,離群社會的作品「 Just Mercy」。這部電影定於2019年12月25日限量發行,並將於2020年1月10日上映。《正義的憐憫》將由華納影業在全球發行,並因其主題內容(包括一些種族上詩)被評為PG-13。 。 。

  1. A heartwarming movie. Someone cares enough about others to pretty much risk his life. I cried and cried. This movie makes me wanna do better and have compassion for others. God bless Mr. Byran Stevenson!! An angel on earth to those condemned. I would love to meet him!!! Just Mercy.

  2. 'Just Mercy' is so classy and perfect that you are going to think about the freedom and justice you have and enjoy….It tells us that 'Freedom is not Free'

  3. I』m very sad to say, but this movie left much to be desired, for such a brilliant story. The make up was sad, with Jamie Foxx』s strait-purl-white teeth, and hair looking like it was glued on him. barley anything looked 80』s; the wardrobe was weird, with Michael B. Jordan wearing a perfectly modern suit, with a bodybuilder』s body, in a time where most men were thin and slender. The police uniform and prison uniformed looked like it was just taken out brand new and warn-no wear and tear; the casting was not good, Jordan』s acting left much to be desired, and most of the characters weren』t the archetype of that specific role. I wish that Jamie Foxx had stronger actors to support him; the picture was so bright you』d swear that they are telling a happy story. Maybe it was not well funded, however, it was a disappointing picture for me. Marshal and 12 Years a Slave are an example of how I wish this movie was shot, casted and lit.

  4. There were so many scenes in this movie that touched me. The top 3 for me defiantly was:
    1. When Herb was going to be electrocuted.
    2. When Mcmillian (Jamie F) son was in the court shouting his dads innocent.
    3. When Mcmillian tries to resist the guards after getting denied in court.

  5. Watched 40 seconds of the trailer and I just knew this was a great movie and a must watch. After watching let me tell you it did not disappoint and makes you wonder how many innocent people our justice system has deprived them of their freedom.

  6. And yet again, Not a SINGLE person was held accountable……..innocent people in jail being released with what? For every year they spent in jail they should recieve 1million $ from the people n the system who put them there, Along with the leople who put them there imprisoned.

    Justuce system, A fucking joke.

  7. Serpico the movie from the 70's. The most honest NYC cop, who ratted on his entire corrupt precinct. AL Pacino starred in the movie! He said in 2010 and I quote, "911 was our gov't and the war on drugs is a billion dollar business and its against you and me!" Frank Serpico … Hey what do you all think about the war on this new virus!?

  8. Twice as many whites killed by blacks every year in this country for more than 50 years consecutively while there are at least five times as many white people. Black and white interracial murder is completely out of proportion

  9. God will never forget white people for what they have done to black men, what they are still doing to black men children women. Not changed much…..
    The other day doctors wanna be white people went to Africa to give poor innocent people expired medications, last year a white lady killed 20 or more children pretending to be a doctor.
    God will never forgive white people.

  10. After watching this horrific story, I just want to understand how a black man lays next to a white woman. Knowing that what they have done to our black people from slavery now to prison slavery, unjust, discrimination, the still existing discrimination we face everyday. How do you find a spot for white people to let them come to your house? how?

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