JOJO兔子|官方預告片 [HD] | FOX探照燈

作家導演Taika Waititi(THOR:RAGNAROK,THE HUDER FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE)將他的幽默和悲劇風格帶入他的最新電影《 JOJO RABBIT》中。當他發現他的單身母親(Scarlett Johansson)將一個年輕的猶太女孩(Thomasin McKenzie)藏在閣樓中時,世界觀被顛倒了。只有在他虛構的虛構朋友阿道夫·希特勒(Taika Waititi)的幫助下,喬喬必須面對自己盲目的民族主義。


導演:Taika Waititi

劇本作者:Taika Waititi,改編自Christine Leunens的《籠中的天空》

製作人:Carthew Neal,p.g.a.,Taika Waititi,p.g.a,切爾西·溫斯坦利(Chelsea Winstanley)

演員:羅曼·格里芬·戴維斯(Roman Griffin Davis),托馬斯·麥肯齊(Thomasin McKenzie),泰卡·懷蒂蒂(Taika Waititi),反叛威爾遜(Rebel Wilson),史蒂芬·Mercchant,阿爾菲·艾倫(Alfie Allen),山姆·羅克韋爾(Sam Rockwell)和斯嘉麗·約翰遜(Scarlett Johansson)

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JOJO兔子|官方預告片 [HD] | FOX探照燈。

  1. In that time world was more beautiful and people had much more humanity characteristics, dignity and value, nowadays nature and seas devastated and whole world in a cold war worse than real war no heroism, trust, sacrifice, understanding, nothing in people just their outer physical part left, alas that I am human and majority of the world are animals uglier than pigs and filthier than hyenas it applies to you that comment on this video too, read my comment and give no answer

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