


導演托德·菲利普斯(Todd Phillips)的「小丑」(Joker)圍繞著標誌性的剋星仇敵,是一個原創的,獨立的虛構故事,在大銀幕上是前所未有的。菲利普斯(Phillips)對華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)不可磨滅地描繪的亞瑟·弗萊克(Arthur Fleck)的探索,是一個艱難地在哥譚(Gotham)破碎的社會中尋找自己的出路的人。他白天白天是一個待租的小丑,但他渴望在晚上成為站立漫畫……但發現他似乎總是在開玩笑。陷入冷漠與殘酷之間的周期性存在中,亞瑟做出了一個錯誤的決定,在這個粗character的性格研究中,這導致了升級事件的連鎖反應。
曾三度獲得奧斯卡提名的鳳凰城(「大師」,「走線」,「角鬥士」)與富蘭克林一起飾演奧斯卡獎得主羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert De Niro)(《憤怒的公牛》,《教父:第二部分》)。影片還出演了Zazie Beetz(「 Deadpool 2」),Frances Conroy(電視的「美國恐怖故事」,Hulu的「城堡岩石」),Marc Maron(電視的「 Maron」,「 GLOW」),Bill Camp(「 Red Sparrow」 」,「莫莉的遊戲」),格倫·弗萊什勒(Glenn Fleshler)(電視的「億萬富翁」,「巴里」),謝伊·沃漢姆(Shea Whigham)(「第一人稱」,「孔:骷髏島」),布雷特·庫倫(Brett Cullen)(「 42」,Netflix的「納爾科斯」),道格拉斯霍奇(「紅麻雀」,電視台的「竹D恐怖片」)和喬希·派伊斯(即將上映的「布魯克林母親」,「風采」)。
奧斯卡提名人菲利普斯(「 Borat」,《宿醉》三部曲)的導演是根據他與奧斯卡提名的作家斯科特·西爾弗(Scott Silver)(《鬥士》)共同編劇的劇本,改編自DC。這部電影是由菲利普斯和奧斯卡提名人布拉德利·庫珀(「 A Star Is Born」,「 American Sniper」)在聯合努力的旗幟下以及奧斯卡提名人艾瑪·蒂林格·科斯科夫(Emma Tillinger Koskoff)(《華爾街之狼》)製作的。它是由Michael E. Uslan,Walter Hamada,Aaron L. Gilbert,Joseph Garner,Richard Baratta和Bruce Berman製作的。
在幕後,菲利普斯與攝影導演勞倫斯·謝爾(《哥斯拉:怪獸之王》,《宿醉》三部曲),製片設計師馬克·弗里德伯格(《塞爾瑪》,《超凡蜘蛛俠2》)編輯合影。傑夫·格羅斯(Jeff Groth,《戰犬》,《宿醉》第三部)和奧斯卡獲獎服裝設計師馬克·布里奇斯(Mark Bridges,《幻影線》,《藝術家》)。音樂來自HildurGuðnadóttir(「 Sicario:索拉多之日」)。
華納兄弟影業公司與鄉村路演影業公司合作,聯合BRON Creative公司聯合製作了一部影片,由托德·菲利普斯(Todd Phillips)攝製,「小丑」。它將於2019年10月4日在全國影院上映,並將由華納兄弟影業公司在全球發行。 。

  1. This movie made me realize even more that not all trailers that has a lot of views are good. They're just well marketed. I feel like i just wasted my 2 hours. Its not the type of movie that you can watch again and again and not get bored.

  2. People who didn't watch this movie are idiots because the movie was SO GOOD. ? People who didn't like this movie are also idiots, because, you wouldn't get it, idiot. ?

  3. The first scene when he』s looking out the train with a forwn shows how he』s looking down at society but at the end he looks outside with a smile happy with his work and the society he created cool detail

  4. I hated the ending of this movie but it wasn't really too bad into the beginning but how it ended its really awful I hated it I did had pretty good times at the theater but it really shocked me very badly I didn't really enjoy it at all but it's really cool that other folks like it but I really didn't at all I'm sorry but I really don't

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