融化生命-冰霜法師PvP-魔獸世界BFA 8.3


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#WoW #BFA #PvP。

  1. Sick of my boomies dmg in mythics and thought I'd start playing my mage again. Fire to me is meh and really only enjoyable thanks to GP. In mythics my dmg was also meh, thought id give Frost a go. Super fun and smash the dmg in mythics. Plus glacial spike is ace. You should run it man it's phat dmg

  2. Hey Para. I just wanna say thanks. Watching your videos is the only escape i have from the the sounds of my dad beating me my mom in the other room

  3. If they remove GP, they sure as fuck better remove Greater Heal, nerf Death Strike, nerf Fel Lance and all other DH abilities, and buff regular Fire Mage damage. Fire mages are useless outside of their burst window without GP.

  4. I dont understand the hatred over greater pyro when I can pop coolies on the warlock and proceed to shit out 8 to 10 chaos bolts in 15 seconds and each one hits for almost 200k or more. Pyro is an almost 4 second cast if I remember correctly. That alone makes it balanced and not really as op as everyone always seems to say.

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