寄生蟲 [Official Trailer] – 2019年10月11日上映

表現得像您擁有這個地方一樣。 #Parasite現在正在劇院中播放。


認識公園家庭:渴望財富的圖片。還有金家(Kim Family),他們擁有豐富的街頭智慧,但沒有其他。無論是命運還是命運,這兩座房子都聚在一起,而金氏家族則感到千載難逢的機會。 Kim的孩子由大學時代的Ki-woo策劃,很方便地將自己作為家庭教師和藝術治療師帶到了公園。不久,兩個家庭之間形成了共生關係。金氏家族提供「必不可少的」豪華服務,而公園則無奈地為整個家庭提供資金。當寄生蟲闖入者威脅金斯夫婦的新舒適時,爆發了一場野蠻,卑鄙的支配地位之戰,威脅要摧毀金斯夫婦與公園之間脆弱的生態系統。

漸漸地,黑暗狂熱和令人心碎的狂熱,PARASITE在他的遊戲巔峰展示了一位現代大師。 。

  1. Just watched the movie…
    No doubt it won the Oscar.. I don't know if there's any other way to express and present the whole concept..
    Every scene has it's own part …
    I'll sure re-watch it again and again…

  2. Excellent movie that fits with the time… but are they a changin ? If you think they should, let's do it. What we need is social capitalism and a meritocratic state. Another good story on capitalism is the Last Bling King by Mike Hockney. It is in the vein of this great movie.

    Nice trailer.

  3. I』ve heard so much about this movie, seen tons and tons of gifs of it on tumblr and now even seen the trailer…. and I still have no fucking clue what it』s about

  4. Just watched it last night after my mom said to go see it (tho she said I can't even describe it, just go see) as soon as it started I had an unnerving feeling this film was going to go similarly to "Audition" a movie out of Japan from 20 years back. And boy did it ever, you think its going one way before you are jerked another completely opposite way. Thought provoking, jaw dropping and mind fucking plot with just a smidge of hope at the end. No wonder to me it won best picture.

  5. Having to read subtitles takes away from watching the movie, I go to the movie for the visual part of the movie. Why this movie won best movie in America ? I have no idea.

  6. good trailer, and I know its an award winning movie. but after watching the trailer, i have no idea what to expect. apparently the comments say you shouldn't know much about the movie beforehand to thoroughly enjoy it

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