隱藏的生活|官方預告片 [HD] | FOX探照燈

根據真實的事件,有遠見的作家兼導演特倫斯·馬利克(Terrence Malick)的《潛伏的生命》講述了一位無名英雄弗朗茲·雅格斯塔特(FranzJägerstätter)的故事,他拒絕在第二次世界大戰中為納粹而戰。當奧地利農民面臨被叛國罪處決的威脅時,正是他堅定的信念以及對妻子Fani和孩子的熱愛使他的精神得以繼續。



撰寫者:Terrence Malick

製作人:格蘭特·希爾(p.g.a.),達里奧·貝吉西奧(Dario Bergesio),喬什·杰特(Josh Jeter),伊麗莎白·本特利(Elisabeth Bentley),馬庫斯·洛格斯(Marcus Loges)

演員:奧古斯特·代爾(August Diehl),瓦萊麗·帕克納(Valerie Pachner),瑪麗亞·西蒙(Maria Simon),托比亞斯·莫雷蒂(Tobias Moretti),布魯諾·甘茨(Bruno Ganz),馬蒂亞斯·舍納爾特(Matthias Schoenaerts),卡琳·紐荷瑟(KarinNeuhäuser),烏爾里希·馬特斯(Ulrich Matthes)

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隱藏的生活|官方預告片 [HD] | FOX探照燈

  1. The Catholic church played an important role in German resistance to Nazism (read Goebbels' diaries if you don't believe), and yet because of the political correctness the churchman must be a bad guy. Sad sad sad.

  2. 2020 hindsight is lovely. Guy was just a coward who refused to defend his country. He wasn't standing up against the evils of the third reich as he would have no idea about it.

  3. 「They look up [at the painted Christ] and they imagine that if they lived in Christ』s time they wouldn』t have acted as the others did…We create admirers. We do not create followers.」

    That was a beautiful line by the Church artist in this film! So true!

  4. I would like to know how long they are going to make films about World War and Hitler. If he was so bad and you beat it up why you are still destroying it in the media

  5. Watching this for 3 hours felt like a torture. Outstanding cinematography, yes, but wasted on the glorification of utterly stupid hero character. As a family man, the decision making process of this guy is just unbelievable, complete oposite of what humans should glorify or romantize. So wrong, on so many levels.

  6. "…for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs."

    /George Eliot/

  7. Everybody has to see this movie. It is so irritating to see how people in a small community are against each other and how everybody was afraid to say one "wrong" sentence. Referring to the movie itself: very strange that the movie was made in Südtirol, but Franz Jägerstätter was from Mühlviertel. In Mühlviertel it is mainly flat and you don't see such high mountains, also the dialect was wrong. And so much romantic scenes in a war is truly Hollywood character and not authentic.

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