
根據Shia LaBeouf的劇本,根據他自己的經驗,屢獲殊榮的電影製片人Alma Har’el(LoveTrue的Bombay Beach)將年輕演員的風雨如磐的童年和成年早期變成現實,因為他努力與父親和解並與之打交道。他的心理健康。虛構他的明星身份,隨後墜機進入康復和康復,哈爾爾飾演奧蒂斯·洛特(Otis Lort),扮演諾亞·朱佩(安靜的地方)和盧卡斯·海奇斯(男孩被擦除,海邊的曼徹斯特),扮演狂熱的職業。 LaBeouf扮演著自己的父親,前牛仔競技表演小丑和重罪犯的角色,承擔著治療方面的挑戰。舞者歌手FKA的小樹枝首次亮相,在他們的花園庭院汽車旅館裡,與年輕的奧的斯(Otis)玩耍時,扮演鄰居和親切的精神。 Har’el的故事敘事首次亮相是電影製片人和主題人物之間的一種獨特的合作,他在一個才華橫溢,飽受創傷的表演者敢於尋找自己的生活和時代中,探索醫學作為醫學和想像力的希望。


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  1. just saw the movie. 10/10 man. it was such a beautiful movie. Shia LaBeouf
    (Otis's father), Noah Jupe (Younger Otis) and Lucas Hedges (Older Otis) did a great job. amazing acting. the movie moved me to tears. loved every bit of it. only thing i hated about it was the fact that it's only about 1hr and 30mins. loved it, man. such a good movie.

  2. Hollywood making pedophile movies. No surprise. Say the N word in a Disney movie from the 40's and it gets banned. Makes sense(sarc)

  3. Excellent movie. I couldn』t handle myself in the theater. I was with my girlfriend and had to pretend to use the restroom because I was tearing up. My dads been in prison my whole life and the times he』s out he screws it up and ends in violence. This movie got me and I haven』t had a movie that got me in a long time well done.

  4. Absolutely beautiful film. From someone who didn't keep up with Shia LaBeouf's life or what really went on when he was an addict, this film puts into perspective what really happens behind the scenes. Celebrities are just people, people who go through things under the spotlight. So proud of his determination to move past this.

  5. When he basically went crazy I STILL Loved him, I saw someone VERY "Different" & especially in this day & age thats a VERY hard feat to accomplish & is a HUGE breath of fresh air. I go quite sad when I got older (Im 36) & many of my favorite actors became old or disappeared & I wondered how will I enjoy movies without actors I love? Then I noticed actors like Shia & a few years later I suddenly realized there are many newer actors that are Academy Award winning level or above (awards mean nothing) & now Shia is my FAV actor! Not many actors are this "deep" in real life right? So cool.

  6. You HAVE to watch the movie Honey Boy!!! Shia LaBeouf wrote the screenplay for this movie while in rehab. Shia plays his father in the movie. It shows just a small glimpse of what Shia has been through in his life. Honey Boy was directed by Alma Har'el, and is one of the BEST movies I have seen in years!! Many blessings to Shia, and his family always.

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