1917年-官方預告片 [HD]


榮獲奧斯卡獎的《天降》,《幽靈》和《美國美女》導演薩姆·門德斯(Sam Mendes)將他的奇異願景帶入了他的第一次世界大戰史詩《 1917年》。

1917年由薩姆·門德斯(Sam Mendes)執導,他與克里斯蒂·威爾遜·凱恩斯(Krysty Wilson-Cairns)(Showtime的Penny Dreadful)共同創作了劇本。這部電影是由Mendes和Pippa Harris(《革命之路》聯合執行製片人;《 Away We Go》的執行製片人)為其Neal Street Productions的Jayne-Ann Tenggren(節奏組的聯合製片人,Spectre的聯合製片人)製作的,卡勒姆·麥克杜加(Callum McDougall)(執行製片人《瑪麗·波平斯歸來》(Mary Poppins Return,Skyfall))和布萊恩·奧利弗(Brian Oliver)(執行製片人,《 Rocketman》;《黑天鵝》)。

這部電影是由Neal Street Productions為DreamWorks Pictures和New Republic Pictures聯合製作的。環球影業將於2019年12月25日在國內限量發行這部電影,並於2020年1月10日在全球範圍內發行。環球影業和Amblin Partners將在全球發行這部電影,eOne代表英國的Amblin發行。

  1. Best movie of the year. Hands down. Saw this with my dad in the theaters when it first came out, going to be one of the expiriences I remember until the day I die.

    Thank you, Sam Mendes and Roger Deakins for creating such an amazing masterpiece.

  2. Me explaining what a one take movie is: it』s basically the scene in Shindlers list when Amon gets hung but they expanded it
    Into a feature film.

  3. While watching these trailer with my 7 years old niece she said "why wonderwoman not helping? And her duty is to protect right? Oh yeah she is in london with Trevor."

  4. Seen this movie three times, would see it over and over again. Loved it! I remember watching a youtube video and this trailer popping up before and I was about to skip it when I saw the opening scene. Ever since then I was so pumped!

  5. Finally a movie worth seeing!! I've read different reviews at different websites: it's been knocked down for different things. I liked it a lot because it is different type of filming & storytelling. There are times that just the different situations the soldiers find themselves in, that grip your heart. To each person, their opinions – I loved it and the soundtrack too and would see it again, but with tissue.

  6. Saw this Movie today. This whole movie was Screened in One Shot , no Cut scenes whatsoever ! Damn great stuff , Cameraman got no break , 45 minutes nonstop coverage in either half. Great Style & Great Setup. Felt bad for Blake but it was War

  7. This movie just looks very good, that's all…poor dialogue, weak acting…I just got so borred at minute 30 that I had to stop it…we live in an era in which we are left enchanted by the image but forget about the essence of things…I am afraid about these times we live in…

  8. Я уже смотрел пухлый друг Уилла умрёт его с ножа зарежет немец они лучшие этот фильм достойно оскара??????????

  9. Toute ma vie j』ai entendu parler de cette horrible guerre mon grand père et mort à l』âge de 21ans tuer au combat maman avait 2jours !!! Pourquoi le genre humain est ci cruel ?

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