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  1. With all the mitigation efforts being utilized, the numbers can be brought down below the 100,000 number. Maybe the apex will come sooner. My big beef with both Fauci and Birz is that they float the the worst numbers without saying it is only worst case scenario.
    Our Economy is taking a huge hit and we have to end this as soon as we possibly can or we will lose our country!

  2. The devil himself in action. 100000 people is better then a million wth. We should of never had 1 and we would of had none had you listened to China when they warned you. How disrespectful you are telling the health care they have enough are they going out the back door. Your not for the people at all. Do we have enough body bags it's about to get bad real quick.

  3. "Think of it: 151 countries. Somebody said to me today that wasn't in this particular world — they didn't know that we had that many countries. A hundred and fifty-one countries. That's something."

  4. The VIRUS has gone its course despite every precaution these pompous doctors have forced on the American People. It is not as lethal as they are saying. Last year's flu season was more lethal. Our flu season ends April 15 2020. If they carry this crap any farther it has to be stopped on the 15th. This scam has gone far enough. FLU OR VIRUS SEASON IS OVER, STOP FABRICATING FEAR. Please note that it is normal for trucks to go to hospitals to pick up cadavers it is not just for the virus. Why is NY Cuomo hoarding ventilators while DeBlasio is greeting the USS Comfort begging for more ventilators? Are they stock piling this crap.

  5. In the venerable words of the 45th president of the United States: The world is laughing at us. They are laughing at how weak our president is. We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!

  6. Everyone keeps commenting and blaming people for not staying home because people DONT have to stay home if they don』t want to …. go out at your own risk . If those people go out and get sick and die what do you care ? Plus if you』re more prone to getting sick than you should stay home . Don』t blame healthy people for spreading it . Not their fault . Like the president said this virus comes from CHI-NA

  7. Congratulations Liberals! You got what you wanted!
    You wanted a Recession to take the president down by any means necessary.
    Now look what happened! Hope your happy! ?

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