HARRIET |官方預告片|正在播放

基於一位標誌性的美國自由戰士的驚險和鼓舞性生活,哈里特講述了哈里特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman)逃離奴隸制和轉變為美國最偉大英雄之一的非凡故事。她的勇氣,創造力和堅韌解放了數百名奴隸,改變了歷史進程。




  1. The sister should』ve went with Harriet when she came to save her it』s unfortunate to see that she died. I cried because I saw how many people helped her, and when they didn』t she helped herself. The scene where janielle died made me cry hard. I』m glad she didn』t kill the white family and slave owner. I would personally but she let them die on their own. Beautiful story from a beautiful role model.

  2. I watched this movie, and the white people in it say the n word frequently (because history), and it made me wonder how terrible it made the actors and actresses, who aren't horribly racist people in real life, feel. Even though they're acting and they don't mean it, they're still saying the n word in the presence of an African American person. I mean, think about it.

  3. I found this movie "Roots (2016)" and the series "Underground" ony per accident on google. Never saw any promotion or advertisment here in Germany.
    Sad because i think everybody should know the history of black people and slavery

  4. The movie is fantastic!Saw it on the plane.This is a must see for everybody Black or White. I'm in England and I'm telling everyone I can to watch it.It will give you courage.

  5. This was an excellent movie! I have been a fan of Harriet Tubman since I first learned of her in grade school. And I am white. When I saw that a movie was coming out about her, I couldn't wait to see it. But I didn't want to see it at the theater because of being white and not knowing if anger at white people would be directed at me. So, I waited for the movie to come out on DVD. Loved this movie so much! Harriet Tubman was one tough lady. They just don't make people like her anymore. We are all consumed with selfishness. She risked her life to save her people. Never lost one person. And when she needed surgery on her brain to relieve the pain she had experienced for years after being beaten by her owner, she didn't have anesthesia. She instead bit down on a bullet. If only I had an ounce of her strength and courage, I would be so very thankful.

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  7. I just finished seeing this movie….Oh my god oh my God my my God ohhhh Myyyy Gooooood ….I saying this as tears are running down my face…..OH MY GOD….MY RESPECTS….

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