
美國總統唐納德·特朗普周日表示,有關社會疏離的現行指導原則已延長至4月30日。他還表示,模型估算顯示,最高死亡率可能會在兩周內達到,並強調他們不能在「贏得勝利之前宣布勝利」。 」特朗普聲稱,如果遵循這些指導方針,那麼到6月1日,它們將會恢復健康。

美國最重要的傳染病專家安東尼·福西博士(Anthony Fauci)說,擴大指南的決定是「明智的」,雖然無法量化,但緩解措施正在發揮作用。他還評論了他給美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)的國情咨文提供的數字,該國可以看到大約100,000人死亡,但目前採取的措施可以防止這種情況。

特朗普還回答了他上周早些時候發表的關於人們可能因COVID-19而死於經濟衰退的評論,他說這將是「大規模抑鬱症」,並且人們將使用毒品「就像以前從未有人使用過。 」


#Coronavirus#COVID19 #DonaldTrump #GlobalNews。

  1. Rambo is not going to save you from this one folks. You have been saying US is the strongest ……well…….is it? Hope you will go through with this one as quick as possible with as little casualties as possible.

  2. „Sancte Michael Archangele,
    defende nos in proelio
    contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli
    esto praesidium.
    ‚Imperet illi Deus『, supplices deprecamur:
    tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis,
    Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
    qui ad perditionem animarum
    pervagantur in mundo,
    divina virtute, in infernum detrude.

  3. Hey I'm researching somethings I would like to share and get peoples input from my understanding some mushrooms can grow on dead things, I'm reaching here with this statement but would it be possible for a mushroom spore to grow on an organ that was infected with covid 19, I know it sound like made crazy, but from my understanding mushroom can fight alot of alignments I guess from their connection to the soil, but what if they were contected in a way to something infected with that type of virus, would mushroom spores grow in that environment, I'm reaching I know, i know…..look up mycoremediation great topic people mushroom breakdown alot of toxins

  4. India's water and sanitation crisis

    A staggering 344 million practice open defecation. The World Bank estimates that 21 percent of communicable diseases in India are linked to unsafe water and the lack of hygiene practices. Further, more than 500 children under the age of five die each day from diarrhea in India alone.

  5. You know reading the comments here reminds me of these reporters always jumping on the president for everything. Leave the man alone. I would like to see how anyone else would do in his position. Like he said, just be nice people it's not that hard!! We work better as a nation when we work together.

  6. If you can build whatever you want like endless ventilators, why not invest in Hazmat suits. Its prevents the need to discard the PPE instead and it can be Spray cleaned if they made a decontamination bay which spray chemicals at the suit. It would keep doctors and front line health care alot safer

  7. „Sancte Michael Archangele,
    defende nos in proelio
    contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli
    esto praesidium.
    ‚Imperet illi Deus『, supplices deprecamur:
    tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis,
    Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
    qui ad perditionem animarum
    pervagantur in mundo,
    divina virtute, in infernum detrude.

  8. PEOPLE IVE HEARD TO TAKE TYLENOL AND ACETOMNIPHEN NOT ASPIRIN OR I UPROFEN. I HEAR IT REALLY KICKS UP UR RISK OF UR LUNGS GETTING TOTALLY SCREWED OVER. just not worth the risk. I have been. And trump is so willing to share his podium. Lol love trump but ill bet hes already taken a vaccine

  9. People are having to reware masks. PROTECT THE HEALTHCARE AND ESSENTIALS PEOPLE WEAR DOUBLE WRAPPED SCARVES AND CARRY LYSOL. And USE TYLENOL AND ACETOMINOPHEN. Not ibuprofen. Not aspirin. State polotics (a family member) said too. Aspirin and i ibuprofen i guess spread it to the lung and make it A LOT WORSE. And even of it is fake info….is it worth the risk? Everyone who died that had decent health i guess were taking aspirin.

  10. what a clown. wait for two weeks and you will see how it works out. (writing from central europe).

    all the best for the people of the us – please don't believe your president!

  11. Did anyone else catch what he said? Start at 24 mins. Explain to me who exactly he was talking to that wasn't from "our particular world" and that this being didn't know how many countries our world has. Explain it to me like I'm in kindergarten…

  12. The great president infected 140,000 people with the virus, and his team is still discussing quarrels. The goal is all about China.

    Huge freezer truck filled with corpses …

  13. This CLOWN is comparing his press conference attendance audiences to THE BACHELOR ratings!?!?! THIS is how seriously he takes this horrible pandemic. He』s a menace to our country!

  14. 87,000 women a year, or 238 a day, are murdered.
    – 36,000 people a day are forced to flee their homes, with a total of 70.8 million people currently forcibly displaced.
    – 24,600 people die every day from starvation, and 820 million people don』t have enough food to eat.
    – 10,000 people die daily because they lack access to healthcare.
    – 6,000 people die daily from work-related accidents or illnesses, for 2.3 million people per year. There are 340 million occupational accidents every year.
    – 2,191 people die to suicide every day, for 800,000 per year.
    – 1,643 people die every day due to second-hand smoking.
    – 740 pedestrians are killed on roads every day.
    – There are 150 million people without somewhere to live and 1.6 billion people living in inadequate housing.
    – An estimated 560,000 people were killed in Syria by December 2018.
    -1000 people are being slaughtered a week for the religious beliefs mostly Christians and many are brutal murders.
    – Almost half of humanity is living on less than US$5.50 per day.

  15. Let's see why there are so many sick people in the us? Your meat, chicken, pork, beef. Livestock feed contains growth enhancing antibiotics. Your bodies are already poisoned. Coronavirus likes protein in the body. Give up meat. Only vegetables, water, and your American alcohol for disinfection.

  16. The "stable genius" continues to shovel bafflegab into the gullible ears of his faithful in an attempt to rewrite his glaring errors on this issue, based, as usual, on his ignorance and arrogance, Thousands of American citizens will no longer exist because of this buffoon's blustering denials and his "far too little, far too late" remedies.

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