



音樂:奈特·馬庫(Nait Masuku),保羅·利里(Paul Leary)和霍莉·哈丁(Holly Harding)




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  1. Just popped mine in the oven, I used beets, carrot, eddoes, celery, onion, and a regular potato……is that ok? Instead of using rosemary in the dressing, I used dried oregano. I put the beets one side in the baking dish as I didn』t want to mess up everything else.

  2. This looks gorgeous. I don't like beets although I know they are good for me. I have heard good things about the golden beets so I think I may try them this week for Easter dinner. Now that Chioggia beet is something totally different. I have never seen or heard of it. If I find one I will try it.

  3. I've mentioned it before, but I prefer my root veggies grilled. Cut into rounds, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and olive oil. I usually let them sit for 1/2 an hour to an hour to marinade and let the salt pull out some moisture (helps with getting a crust). Then I grill them on high heat for grill marks (searing) and then on medium for about 20 minutes, flipping and shifting them around to different spots on the grill. I also use a grill pan for whole button mushrooms, cubed squash/zucchini and quartered onions at the same time. Nice and soft on the inside, crispy and smoky on the outside…yum! I need to try carrots some time this summer. Turnips are awesome this way!

  4. Love to boil Yuca, boñato sweet potatoe, potatoe, name, and plantains then on a plate just drizzle with olive oil, lime and salt so good. will try this medley for sure

  5. Your videos are super informational and entertaining. You can see your passion(and Christian's). Thank you for making these! Your positive energy shines through!

  6. Hi, I just subscribed to your channel after watching your collab with TheDomesticGeek and I absolutely love it!! I love youtube cooking channels that specify in making healty or more healthy foods. And to be honest you are so good at it! I hope you keep going with your channel and make many, many, many more delicious videos

  7. I guess I'm a little weird, because root veggies are my favorite!! I definitely don't eat them enough though. Your recipe looks delicious (and beautiful.)
    I will be trying this for sure!

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