SF Python 2015年1月-Python中的WebSockets作者Matt Makai

使用Flask和Flask-SocketIO在Python中進行實時編碼的WebSockets編程。 。

  1. Takeaways:
    1. IE 7,8 don't support websocket;
    2. What's the bottleneck for Gevent?
    3. How to load-balance the websocket?
    4. The scripts are deprecated and we need to use newer version.

  2. Hi, I just wanted to know the URL you opened to run the app the second time, ie, after you added the connect and disconnect. You did not add the /sfpy namespace, neither the :5000. How is that?

  3. Thank you for a great talk.
    Alas, I can't get disconnect event to be emitted, so user_count grows exactly like the first example wo wsockets.
    I found similar opened issue at socketio's github and It is unclear if or when it will be fixed.

  4. One of the best talks i have ever seen, I enjoyed it so much! You have a charisma sir, I am looking forward to your future talks oh and thanks a lot for fullstackpython 🙂

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