

  1. As long as people are dying of starvation and not covid, Indian government is happy as they can pat themselves on the back feeling like they've taken proper measures to combat this, and can gloat. There are enough uneducated people like on this thread that would praise Modi regardless.

  2. They wouldn't die with Virus…but died with hunger….this goverment should give them trucks and send them home….and give food and water too….
    I feel bad for all of you…I'm Praying for the World….

  3. Every Indian was saying only a leader like modi could take such decision, and were making fun of the great PM Imran Khan's decision. Now see for yourself. My heart goes to those poor people.

  4. कोरोनावायरस की वजह से बहुत से लोग अपने कामों को छोड़कर घरों पर बैठे हैं कुछ लोगों के पास पैसे नहीं है उन लोगों को आपसे जो हो सके उनकी मदद करिए जिस तरह सरकार मदद कर रही है सरकार की प्रशंसा करनी चाहिए, और भगवान से प्रार्थना करिए कि हमें इस कठिनाई से बाहर निकालें

  5. India Have birthrate problem ,and now not enough for everybody to eat and basis need ,just look at all the beating and all the punish + the government is not capable of control if outbreak physical happen

  6. India should think that poverty is worst than coronavirus so don't lockdown let people earn. People are dying of poverty. And economy of India is destroyed through this conspiracy.

  7. What more to expect from a jihadi channel…
    95% of people who came to India from gulf region have covid. This explains the situation there. But you re busy trying to insult India.

  8. Its good time to do pakoda business in India just next to those routes these people are taking. This suggestion was given by none other than India's PM.

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