Midway(2019電影)Teaser Trailer-Ed Skrein,Patrick Wilson,Nick Jonas

中途島— 2019年11月8日上映。埃德·斯克林,帕特里克·威爾遜,盧克·埃文斯,亞倫·埃克哈特,尼克·喬納斯,豐川悅司,淺野忠信,盧克……

  1. Филм има солидне визуелне ефекте, првенствено мислим на авионе и бродове… Радња није очаравајућа, али је глума квалитетна и Јапанаца и Американаца…

  2. USA got worse not better in reporting history. The 1975 version used Japanese and most recent(for the time) Secrecy Act releases to tell more of the TRUTH/facts, as well as Japanese directors, producers etc. like Clint Eastwood's Award winning "Letters from Iwo Jima". THIS, sadly, was nothing but lazy "go back to 1945 propaganda" BS. Couldn't even get basic facts and characters straight dishonoring even American heroics. 0/10 for going further backwards than even the 1945 version.

  3. مـــين? يـرحــــب? بـــي? يــضـغط لايـــك?ويــــراســنـي خـاص واشـــترك بقنـاتـــــــي

  4. yawn another american war movie with heavy bias and romanticization as usual… "based on real events" my ass. when are americans going to stop blowing their own horns and trying to prove how "badass" they reportedly are? the US has deeply seated insecurity it seem.

  5. I just saw the movie..its mind-blowing
    Why everyone start complaining before even watching the movie?
    The movie is fucking awesome & CGI and action scenes were brilliant. I loved it, movie is legendary no stupid love, sex scene or girl showing off skin, or blah blah just pure action and war vibes…..10/10.

  6. 미국인들도 모를걸
    히틀러와 무쏠리니
    그리고 일본이 추축국으로
    전장을 태평양 미국 서해안까지 넗혀
    세계 제패의 야욕을 드러냈던
    또 다른 2차 세계대전
    미국인들도 미드웨이 전투와
    태평양 전쟁을 알아야 한다

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