IOS 12.1.2越獄✳️如何越獄iOS 12.1.2(無計算機)❇️CYDIA IOS 12.1.2

IOS 12.1.2越獄-如何越獄iOS 12.1.2(無計算機)-CYDIA IOS 12.1.2

嗨,大家好!在今天的視頻中,我展示了無需計算機即可越獄iOS 12.1.2的唯一方法。我已經測試了許多網站,程序和其他工具,但是直到我找到了這個iPhone越獄工具,他才走運。正如您在視頻中看到的那樣,安裝cydia ios 12.1.2的整個過程花了我幾分鐘。這款新越獄ios 12.1.2已在許多設備上進行了測試,以確保其始終可以正常運行。通過此網站,在iOS 12.1.2上安裝Cydia是最簡單的。

2.單擊按鈕「生成」以獲取您的iphone / ipad / ipod內核ID。
7. Cydia已注入到列表中的應用程序中。要在設備上安裝它,您必須從列表中安裝2個應用,然後按照每個應用標題下的說明進行操作。這是繞過ios安全性並在12.1.2上獲得Cydia的唯一可行方法。
重新啟動後,您將安裝Cydia :)


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#越獄#ios #cydia。

  1. If you want to try this method, here is the link:
    If you have any problems with this method, I can do it for you but first you have to?:
    ▶️ Like this video (I will check)
    ▶️ Subscribe my channel (I will check)
    ▶️ Write comment with your Kernel ID, iOS version and device!

  2. Hallo, pls halp me, I need diamond in my freefire game account & I try it so many time but I can't get diamond. pls can you sent me diamond here is my freefire username : savitar59190 & email:, you cN message me here, pls help me pls. I'm waiting for your message

  3. Hallo, pls halp me, I need diamond in my freefire game account & I try it so many time but I can't get diamond. pls can you sent me diamond here is my freefire username : savitar59190 & email:, you cN message me here, pls help me pls. I'm waiting for your message

  4. Hallo, pls halp me, I need diamond in my freefire game account & I try it so many time but I can't get diamond. pls can you sent me diamond here is my freefire username : savitar59190 & email:, you cN message me here, pls help me pls

  5. Hallo, pls halp me, I need diamond in my freefire game account & I try it so many time but I can't get diamond. pls can you sent me diamond here is my freefire username : savitar59190 & email:, you cN message me here, pls help me pls

  6. Hallo, pls halp me, I need diamond in my freefire game account & I try it so many time but I can't get diamond. pls can you sent me diamond here is my freefire username : savitar59190 & email:, you cN message me here, pls help me pls

  7. Hallo, pls halp me, I need diamond in my freefire game account & I try it so many time but I can't get diamond. pls can you sent me diamond here is my freefire username : savitar59190 & email:, you cN message me here, pls help me pls

  8. Thanks my brother!

    I followed all the steps just like in your video and it works super well on my Iphone 😉

    Thanks for uploading the video

  9. Is this a mass hoax, all of these sites give the same apps to download and they're all patched so far. Going through the list of videos and see if anyone has uploaded an unpatched app.

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