DOWNTON ABBEY |官方預告片| 9月20日上映



電視連續劇《唐頓莊園》(Downton Abbey)沿襲了克勞利(Crawley)一家的生活,以及20世紀初在愛德華時期英國鄉間別墅中為他們工作的僕人的生活。在過去的6個賽季中,該系列獲得了3項金球獎,15項黃金時段艾美獎,69項艾美獎提名,這使唐頓莊園成為艾美獎史上提名最多的非美國電視節目-甚至獲得了特別BAFTA獎和一項吉尼斯世界紀錄是一路收視率最高的電視節目。。

  1. Everything is amazing – I only wish the movie were shot with light like the series. It's so dark all the details are missed; faces and actions are obscured. Re-release a lighter version, please?

  2. Downton Abbey is far superior to Gone with the Wind. Both concern a family in a changing world. But Wind ruins it with several things, for example, cartoonish phony stereotypical happy slaves and racism, while Abbey shows the Irish servants realistically having a hard time

  3. The success of the series in the UK was obvious. At the rest of the world? Dont misunderstood me, I loved the series and the movie here is pretty good. But here is a crazy explanation for the worldwide success of the series. Remember back in the day when british "royals" were exploring Africa, Asia, etc to observe and understand "what are they?" (I mean the natives and the animals). Here is the same, the rest of the world watched it to understand "what are they", those stiff people that never worked in their lives (up floors) and the modern day slaves (basement). Am I wrong? The acting and the art of the series and the film are over the top. And that also explains why STILL around us humanoids buy Jags, Rolls, Astons, etc. Its the heritage, the royalty, the "name". And inside rottenness….

  4. Didn't watch, I'm not a fan of being forced to watch homosexual acts of affection. Even the natural acts of normal Heterosexuals acts of affection should be kept in private.

  5. Spoiler Alert! The ONLY reason I got this sorry excuse of a movie was to see Matthew Goode. Lady Mary』s spouse. He had two scenes! One jumping from his car (He』s a race car driver but needs to go to the USA to race? Not as if the finest racing cars were British and European!), he then races up the stairs kissing that poor beleaguered Lady Miller! Oh the labors she must endure! Needing to do something with a tarp over a truck…or something.

    Then Matthew Goode has maybe three incomplete sentences for the entire rest of the movie while standing in the main salon! I have ZERO respect for the wealthy and royalty handed down through generations.

    This movie attempted to tie up about 3 dozen loose threads. BORING! I need to go back to 「The Crown」 to watch Matthew play Sir Anthony Armstrong Jones in all of his sex scenes. Even Matt Smith (AKA Dr. Who after David Tennant) was just so good as Prince Phillip.

  6. After grandmama/The Dowager Countess makes the crack to Violet about whether she has enough clichés and Violet responds defensively, old granny says "here we go", as if it's Violet's fault. I'd love to see a cat fight between those two on one of the Downtown parodies. It would be even better if those two actresses could do it, such as on a variety show. (SNL?) The shattering crystal, the torn costumes, the jam in their hair, maybe even some words you couldn't imagine them knowing, let alone saying. I like the show but I don't revere it and a complete absence of dignity and decorum would shock the servants most of all. It's fun to imagine.

  7. So it's a movie about getting a mansion clean to eat lunch with the queen, and of course obviously about being gay too. Can't forget that. What an absolute waste of time and money.

  8. I can』t say enough about this movie! It was so grand, spectacular and just incredible. As a Downton Abbey fan I adore this movie and the cast. I heard there』s going to be a sequel!

  9. im sorry but please someone one inform me. I watched all seasons of it on pbs . so what is this, what i mean is how is it different from the several season on PBS? is it just about royalty coming to the mansion ???

  10. I love everything about this series so much!!! I am sad that it is over, but I will always keep this incredible world in my heart. Every time I watch this clip I, like, get chills because it is so entertaining and exciting.

  11. Let me say this, I'm a tall guy in my early 20's who acts like a bad guy all the time. I saw the movie like an hour ago. I cried like a little baby during Violet's speech., I'm gonna miss this show so much.

  12. No Lily James but I watched it and STILL LOVE IT! ? Julian Fellowes said they have ideas for doing a potential sequel!

  13. n the early 1900s there were a lot of scientific discovers such as the theory of general relativity and Plank constant, yet this old backward lifestyle depicted in a narrow one sided story is all could be taken out of that progressive era? This kind of lifestyle puts a lot of people in pain and suppression but they leave all those pain out and writes a script to beautify people who made others miserable. What Edith and Cora did to Drews is absolutely horrible. Yet viewers ignore that since Drews are not beautified and not made to look nice by unrealistic scripts.

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