
1. WP-火箭:https://www.darrelwilson.com/wprocket
2. Wp-Smush:https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit/



  1. Hi. My wordpress website (www.horizonmineralwater.com) takes a LOT of time to open although i have quite good page speed tests. My website has AMP and cloudflare CDN enabled. I am using hosting from hosterpk.com. My website`s speed test scores are as follows

    1. gtmetrix.com:

    PageSpeed Score (96%), YSlow Score(99%), Fully Loaded Time (2.6s), Total Page Size

    (359KB), Requests (17)

    2. Google PageSpeed Insights:

    Mobile (72), Desktop (99)

    3. tools.pingdom.com:

    Performance grade(C, 79), Page size(8.0 MB), Load time (2.50 s), Requests (281)

    This is kind of becoming depressing for me as load speed is a SEO factor. What should I do?

  2. Sir after apply wp optimize my website all content is gone and i open it but it's not opening a link is provided to download what to do now my website is gine

  3. by doing research and checking all the plugins actually relative to optimization i realize that this is almost impossible for non tech people to really understand and know all the options and features available here and there. with messy information sometimes, for instance when wprocket communicates that Gzip is non available in WP super cache it is wrong information, just an example. except the premium plugins which offer all the features (wprocket and wp fastest cache premium for example), a solution is to add these three : WP optimize + Autoptimize + WP super cache (or Cache Enabler).

  4. Hi , These WordPress hosting sites are suppose to be faster:
    1.servebolt 2.digitalocean 3.wpengine 4.kinsta 5.siteground
    Did anybody test and found 1 to be faster than the other ?

    If yes what parameter were used to compare the speed :
    1.Connect (ms) 2.Time To First Byte (ms) 3.Load (ms) 4.Response (ms)

  5. How to optimize website while I am using social feed ……
    I have used wp Smush and rocket plugin ….and increase up to 95% speed but after few minutes it's become 20% ….why because of feeding …in that case how to fix it

  6. you have any video for how we can use WP rocket plugin …??
    I watch your video it amazing but the problem is that i watch your video and make a site through flat some theme but it's speed not good i need a help how I can increse WP website speed

  7. Hey Darrel, very helpful as always! One question.
    If a hosting company (I use Site Ground) offers a clear cache choise, is it a good idea to use another plugin for clearing cache like WP Supercache or is it better to avoid it? Is there a chance that using both can create conflict or slow down the site?

  8. I still use W3 my host has memcache which really speeds up my site. I was stuck between hosts one has CDN and a2 has memcache and also OpCode caching.

  9. Hey Darrel I am a big fan, watched all of your WordPress and Woocommerece tutorials, Can you please put a tutorial for WooCommerce and Printful.
    Looking forward to it, Thanks.

  10. As usual, very informative video. You have previously mentioned SiteGround for hosting, which is great and comes with their own Supercacher etc. Can I ask do I need to have any of the additional plugins that you have suggested in your video or is the SiteGround SuperCache enough? Eg would I need WP Fastest Cache if I am using the cache from SiteGround?
    Also I have the Flatsome theme you have also suggested, which does have the option of lazy loading. Is this ok too? Many thanks in advance.

  11. I used to use WP Rocket on all the sites that I built, but after recent updates I've noticed that it's slowing down the sites and at times the CSS files are not properly loaded. When you do use it then make sure you spend some time on testing & tweaking WP Rocket settings. On my SiteGround sites I prefer using Super Cacher provided by SiteGround. So before you spend money on premium plugins make sure you check if your hosting company offers some kind of solution. (You might still need to add a plugin or two on top of it though).

    When it comes to images then don't forget CDN. I know it's a bit off topic, but it will definitely help with the loading.
    I would also through in Shortpixel as an alternative to Smush

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