有史以來最滿意的捲土重來! (+ Tank Jungle Tulen)|勇士競技場

最有趣的《勇士競技場》遊戲是您在艱苦的艱苦戰鬥中勉強最終贏得勝利的遊戲!而這正是我今天將向您展示的內容!這是迄今為止我在AOV中最瘋狂的復出。我們還玩了一輛充滿坦克的Tulen叢林,這當然是Valor競技場中最新的最多OP英雄。我只是在開玩笑,這絕對是垃圾,所以我參與這場比賽也是如此。艱苦的艱苦的上坡戰鬥就這麼多。 :DD不過,實際上,我覺得矮胖的圖倫有潛力工作,因此,如果你們希望看到認真的圖倫叢林遊戲玩法,請在下面的評論中告訴我!




►業務諮詢:[email protected]





  1. Please try my Zill build. 5 skewer 5 flurry 5 onslaught 5 violate and 10 assassinate. Loki's curse Enchanted boots apocalypse evil secrets hecate's diadem rheas blessing. For enchantments I take both red damage runes and curse of death with death sickle and gunslinger. This build is all about maximizing the damage buff from apocalypse and curse of death

  2. Bruh I had one game where both cores literally got destroyed in the same moment. It showed the enemy core exploding at the end but the opponents were the official winners and got the star.

  3. People don't know how to manage map good plus this game takes a while to end the game. Unless it's a massive blowout and team knows how to manage map good
    a chance is always possible in aov!

  4. What do you think of Lauriel with Devil』s Awakening + Regrowth (increase healing) ?

    Will it worth it for 2 mini slots? Or would you still stick to sickle and manaregen?

  5. @Shurkou I know that my comment is out of the video topic, but pls listen. BRO I have found the most OP build on ATA and I know what you're thinking right now "Ata is the worst/meh"tank" out there" But might I say that this build will change it all

    Edit: Warning – If you have a laptop/pc then I recommend you to use it (>-<°)

    Arcana: 10x Atrocity (Red) 10x Reave (Purple) 10x Skewer (Green)

    Enchantment: ( first row/Red) – Devourer – Bone cutter – Devil's Awakening or Curse of Death
    (Second slot/Blue) – Reaper's blessing (Sythe)
    (Third Slot) – Go for whatever enchantment you wanna go for (depends on your play style)

    AND now the build: (Normal build) – Boots (Attack speed)- Claves Sancti – Devil's Handshake – Fenrir's Tooth –

    Hercules' Madness (def item) – The Beast

    Core items: Claves Sancti – Fenrir's Tooth – The Beast – Hercules' Madness

    Let me explain why this is the best build: "Whenever Ata deals damage to heroes / non-heroes, he recovers buffered/lost Hp equal to 50%/25% of damage deal" See where I'm going with this… The Life steal from "The Beast", "Hercules" and passive stack up!!! And that's just purely insane!!! Not to mention that his skills heal him as well… To clarify this, let's say you are clearing a minions wave. You go ahead and use a basic attack. Then crit (85%-90% to crit) The result is mind-blowing!! you will gain 1,6k or 1,7k heal.
    Now if you're thinking that "that's not enough life steal" then let me say that the attack speed you gain from Devil's handshake will be enough to keep you going for more than 17 or even 23 tower shots. That is if you have an enemy, minions to keep your hp going "up". One more thing DO NOT tower dive a hero with lots of CC like for example, Thane and you don't have to worry about the enemy's def or hp because of your passive deals a % amount of dmg to the enemy.

    Tips: 1# Your second skill hooks enemy's to you if you don't hit a wall so use it well. If you DO however hit a wall, it will stun the enemy hero (take this opportunity to kill the enemy) 2#. If you miraculously see this comment and decide to use this build Σ(`・ω・Ⅲ) then you should most likely be careful of players using anti-heal. 3#. Don't forget to use your first skill bcs it too does cc and heal. 4# Don't use your ulti on enemies that can easily dash through it. 5# You can go Jungler with this build, BUT don't remove one of the Core items I mentioned.

    I spent 1 hour and 15min of my life writing this comment. So plssss try this out! Don't let my pain be in vain ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

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