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  1. For me radiation sickness is the most horrible way to die. And that is even after considering ancient execution methods such as the Persian Scaphism.I have an ability to know what death by radiation feels like as some of the symptoms of my terminal illness are very similar, that is the type of pain i have and the exact same type of nausea. There are not enough documentaries/tv series about Chernobyl or about the atomic bomb on Nagasaki-Hiroshima.i have a deep personal connection to Ukraine. I have visited many times,, first time eighteen years old, then in my twenties, staying for three months on each occasion. Was based in the village of zolotonosha-basically a village, but it does have its own equivalent of what us Brits call a 'high street;'.

    i lived with a host family, And I fell in love with Ukraine, though a certain LIliia Dakno who I met in England while she was here on an exchange programme. When she left, I made every possible excuse to visit Ukraine, where i fell in love with the place too, and even got my own Ukrainian 'adopted mother'.I love the food so much. i began learning russian and ukrainian from my first visit, and fourteen years later having continued to study it i dropped the ukrainian though as it's only spoken there and even there many people a dialect of ukrainian and russian mixed together. I am almost a fluent speaker, written texts in cyrillic are as familiar to me as ones in English alphabet, i often unconsciously write or type in Cyrillic,I read Russian newspapers,poetry and novels in Russian, listen to Russian language songs and radio every day and chat with a few Ukrainian and Russian friends in Russian.

    And I went as close as you can get to the no go zone. Even in Zolotonosha despite being a long way from chernobyl, noon drinks tap water and i was warned against it very sternly. But i did so a couple of times as I wasn't thinking.

  2. "You are dealing with something that has never occurred on this PLANET before." This line always gets me. Amazing, powerful miniseries.

  3. The explosion wasn't the only reason! It was also Jesus because when you have pain you ask for healing but otherwise you do not. And I know you will believe me that I am stupid but this is the painful truth !!! This is the same exactly thing with the Coronavirus. If we are having it just for healing but nothing else ! We do just what we want and not what Jesus wants !

  4. having browsed youtube about При́пять/Чернобыль,

    we are from Волгогра́д but we have family in Украина. nobody talks about the disaster of May 1, 1986 at Киев, I was there, little girl. Dad was irradiated and took several years to die from the radiations. Mama was also irradiated with the death rays as was me. I would never have children because of this. the pontiffs continue to say that "the winds have driven out the rays", who are we laughing at !!??

    but who cares about that, nobody.

    it is those who have not known this horror who speaks of it best, it seems.

    the bad woman that I have become, out of revenge and the desire to live life to the full no matter the consequences comes from this fateful day. Revolutionary and Anarchist, I always am, despite appearances.

    I learned something following this disaster; appearances are never misleading, they are false.

  5. Just you wait, 10 years from now? Season 2 will be about Wuhan and the CCP following in the soviet union's grotesquely incompetent mismanagement of the chernobyl situation.

    If there's any justice in the world, the main shot of the trailer, will be Xi Jinping, portrayed by Winnie the Pooh's voice actor in yellowface, saying "Close the city, cut the phone lines, contain the spread of misinformation".

  6. this tv show is more realistic in the sense that it is not BLACK-ed/Inter-racial-ed/ gay-ed/lesbian-ed/woman 's right-ed/feminist-ed

  7. Apart from how blatantly racist it is, to a point this can only be written on a country full of bigots like England, those of us that actually know about what happened there, cant stand even 20 minutes of this shit. Honestly worst series ever done.

  8. When the reactor exploded my brain was literally waiting for paul ritters Dyatlov to go "Shit on it, shit on ittttt"

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