冠狀病毒在義大利死亡人數超過10,000,全球病例數超過600,000 | NBC晚間新聞


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冠狀病毒在義大利死亡人數超過10,000,全球病例數超過600,000 | NBC晚間新聞。


    Every Corona Death in the WORLD could be averted with Crystalline penicillin infusion 600 mg or 1 megaunit. In a crisis country, just try in 10 dying patients and publish your Clinical Trial report in 6 hours. What would WORLD lose if I am found wrong? Dr K Chaudhry http://immunity.indianmedical.net

  2. It is nice that you people on the coast think you are the most important. I hope most of you get covid19 and suffer. Stop acting like we in the middle dont matter and govong credit for things to others on the coast. Or maybe actually investigate your "journalism." Edmond,oklahoma has a report about a teddy bear hunt and then two days later you put it out and give credit to only coastal states and towns when it was started in the midwest like most good or great things do.

  3. COVID-19

     In India shut down /lock down since 24th
    march 2020 due for COVID19. India having near about 30,000000 people (Below of
    poverty line) Impossible to provide food by any government for so many people.
    I requested to government for get financial assistance to save our life. Never
    responded yet .We can die without eating. We cant find out from home.  Now, social media is final way to find any
    kind people to provide financial assistance for us.

    →→→ PayPal : diluar2@gmail.com

  4. Man, this is almost as bad as 2014 when Italy lost 4500 people a DAY and 375,000 in ONE WINTER to the flu. Where was the coverage? How did they keep up with the bodies then? Hmmmmm.

  5. 「ELITES OF THE WORLD UNITED」…. in the cause of creating a fake pandemic, stripping people of their savings and freedom all in the name of control. They have been staging mass shootings for a decade: Mandalay Bay, Sandy Hook, Borderline Bar and Grille, Pulse night Club, Parkland, Coors Shooting, Pittsburgh synagogue…. the list goes on. The Coronavirus scam has been in the works for years with Bill Gates et al pulling all the strings.
    Bill quit his job at Microsoft 3 weeks ago so that he could liquidate his shares… you know, before the stock tanked.

  6. China is accuhsed for all this, according to the source the virus spread starts in china in November 2019 but they didnot inform who or other country they spread virus all over the world intensionally.

  7. Out of how many millions? We have GOT to put on our big boy pants, get back out there and stop having so much fear. We have got to sacrifice and take our chances to save our hopes, dreams, economy, our children's breaking hearts, graduations, weddings, church services…

    …our lives, people! We can't keep sitting around, waiting for this to go away. It won't. Some of us are immune. Test test test and test FOR THE ANTIBODIES!

  8. god please save italy.save our world.save doctors life…praying for recovering from India..stay home plz..keep distance..save human..let corona out of this world god.? …save italy…joyguru..everybody say joyguru..joyguru is our god..108 times u say joyguru as in your pray for god….really joyguru will save your life..plz say joyguru all the time…joyguru joyguru joyruru 108 times…from Indian culture

  9. Agradecimientos por inflar las estadisticas para las élites criminales que desean oír cumplidos sus pensamientos y programas escritos en piedra, De otra manera la OMS sería la tónica de rigor aplaudida, en vez de observada desde la consciencia más primitiva.

  10. As Prime #Minister of every country gave the orders for #lockdown i request every individual around the globe to stay safe at home due to #coronavirus epidemic (covid)-19 and please follow all the rules and instructions by government authorities with all the precautionary measures like hand washing santizer wear mask when you go out for shopping and make sure your immunity is good. As there are so many herbs in ayurveda that easily boost your immune system like amla , giloy , tulsi. I Used to drink giloy juice everyday to boost my immunity and if you cannot find these items in ur kitchen then you can use giloy capsules from #planetayurveda that have so many #health #benefits no side effects and boost your immunity naturally

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