PLA簡明扼要(2017)|全高清電影預告片| 1080p



  1. Without a doubt, the most backward and effed up family of all time!! No victims in this situation, all willing participants that were clearly aware. Sterilization/chemical castration should have been demanded by the court for all involved to stop the lineage of debauched stupidity.

  2. Both parents should have been sent to prison for being so stupid. Gullible doesn't even remotely properly descibe their negligence. Pathetically disgusting.

  3. Me, my wife and my friends just saw the documentary: Abducted in Plain Sight .
    We can't stop laughing.
    Gay father, mother Hore and daughter E.T.
    Has your DNA a cross with a donkey,a e.t. and a clown?
    He is not a monster, monster was the parents who, by not taking any action, made several girls go through the same situation without doing anything about it.
    What a debilitating family.
    They are raising money for the father who died.
    What a bunch of shameless people.
    He chose the lover over the daughter.
    Ela nunca foi abduzida, ela foi dada pelos pais.

  4. Ugh! I started to watch this documentary, but I couldn't keep watching it. So disgusting! What a piece of crap! And the parents! What the hell? I just can't believe the level of stupidity! I hope I can forget I watched this piece of junk!

  5. Religion has dumb down the nature of humanity. If you think it was just this couple that were naive and stupid these predators were everywhere during those times many parents were just as naive. That kind of evil cant happen god wouldn't allow it to happen to the good god fearing people so they ignore their basic instincts to protect believe me thousands of untold stories like this have happened since the nasty catholic church was established. And then the justice system slapping white mens wrists and protecting them many went on to be serial criminals raping and murdering. Smh

  6. Precaution : You might end up breaking the screen of your computer or tele. Too disgusting & sick. Her parents specially the mother was selling that girl. People man, sick people.

  7. Under just about every 'true crime' upload on YouTube is a predominance of comments looking past the perpetrator to lay blame on the parents. In so doing, they place that which is morally wrong above that which is criminally and morally wrong.

    I try to avoid the shifting of blame away from perpetrators. But in this case, even factoring in the 'time period', Jan's parents should have copped a criminal charge.

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