DA達芬奇密碼(2006)|完整電影預告片|全高清| 1080p

導演:羅恩·霍華德(Ron Howard)作家:阿基瓦·戈德斯曼(Akiva Goldsman)(劇本),丹·布朗(Dan Brown)(小說)主演:湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks),奧黛麗·塔圖(Audrey Tautou),讓·里諾(Jean Reno)

#MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie。

  1. Pope Clement issued secret sealed orders to be opened simultaneously by his soldiers all across Europe on Friday, October 13 of 1307. History is always written by the winners. I hate explaining the shit. Can only trust the number. Mathematics is the only true universal language.

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