
迄今為止,英國死於冠狀病毒的死亡人數已達到每日最大增幅,達到1,019人。政府宣布了更多措施,以幫助企業度過危機。在義大利,目前有10,000多人死亡。那裡有一些重病患者被送往德國的醫院,以幫助緩解義大利急切需要的醫療服務。凱特·西爾弗頓(Kate Silverton)在羅馬的衛生通訊員多米尼克·休斯(Dominic Hughes),商務通訊員凱蒂·普雷斯科特(Katie Prescott)和歐洲通訊員讓·麥肯齊(Jean Mackenzie)的十篇報道中向BBC新聞發表了BBC新聞。



    Every Corona Death in the WORLD could be averted with Crystalline penicillin infusion 600 mg or 1 megaunit. In a crisis country, just try in 10 dying patients and publish your Clinical Trial report in 6 hours. What would WORLD lose if I am found wrong? Dr K Chaudhry FIRST Author of Jaypee Brothers http://indianmedical.net

  2. Strange that on the graph, that the 「recoveries」 are a flat line.Yet new cases have spiralled.But deaths have only a slight rise.」 「on the graph ! 「 So who! And how many are recovering? There must be someone recovering!! Why aren』t we told?

  3. China lied & people died… Time to start manufacturing in western nations… China has caused mass murder and not for the first time… China needs to be taken off the map.

  4. #CrownforKOREA#EnglishLyricsPrompterVerion

    Crown for KOREA.
    March 25th, 2020 1:11

    As an artist and director living in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought about what I could do to encourage people during this difficult time.

    In collaboration with many artists, musicians and staff who share the same heart,
    we have decided to offer a song of hope through a project called 「Crown for KOREA」 which references the biblical promise of being a crown of splendor.

    Today, March 25, 2020, we were able to come together and sing that song of hope – a song that can encourage the disheartened and lift the spirits of those who』ve lost hope.
    It』s a song dedicated to the countless medical and administrative staff who are working behind the scenes.

    Crown for KOREA
    Until that time we』re able to be together again…


  5. You need Jesus , repent your sins and say sorry to Him with all your heart. Read Bible daily and pray . Pray for your house , family and country. If you are sick and you are reading this ,you have a chance to survive , Jesus can heal you. Watch testimonies on YouTube how our Lord heals people worldwide ,cancer ,HIV and many other viruses and diseases. Don't stop praying and don't stop reading bible. These days had to come it's written in new testament. Read it , I'm one of those who experienced God.

  6. Only gloom and doom you are reporting, causing fear and panick, which doesn't help. Why not to say how many people recovered from it, something positive? I do not like BBC. In this age you need to develop critical thinking.. Our basic rights have been taken.. Some people are starving because of lockdown, some people are committing suicides, getting heart attacks, depression and anxiety. And anywhere you turn all you can see is numbers of people who died from the virus. In Italy the unrest is starting, in India people who dare to go out are beaten with sticks. I don't reduce the significance of the whole thing, but.. this whole situation feels very suspicious for me. It's like a rehearsal, preparation, an experiment? But I believe the whole thing will stop sooner then they predict.

  7. Thank you BBC for your report! I really respect your work! I wish the UK and Italy to deal with this tragic problem as quickly as possible! I live in Russia and we are residents of Russia we all think that our situation will be worse than in Italy. Roman Petrikov from Russia

  8. People do die that's just a fact, the absolute miracle of the nhs is they keep people with chronic diseases alive well into their 80s this is the problem, most of the deaths, die with covid 19 very few die because of the virus, 30 years ago the bed capacity in England was 300,000 now the bed capacity is under half that number 141,000 seasonal flu is responsible with underlying health conditions of between 17,000 to 25,000 deaths yearly 600,000 world wide this, outbreak just exposes how under funded or nhs is its wonderful but it's in a chronic fatigue state

  9. Maybe this Virus is the Voice for all the severe animal cruelty and abuse that's off the scale, time the Free world took serious boycott action against Asia

  10. Shame upon the Govt…should have had a total lockdown immediately being aware of China…Italy …plight n huge loss of human life…… Is the life of citizen or human not important for youll… why are you all elected to power by the Citizens? Pl remember ….youll are elected …to serve the citizens' ….protect them and the country….. All talk but no action…look at India…huge population compared to others…..have total lock down till date n they started well…. in safeguarding lives of its people n people from other countries too….

  11. Excuse me this is the IT age talk across the world in real time this news is three days old because the figures are for the day before ie 27th so nobody has died in the last 48 hours in the UK then?

  12. Is everyone being tested? The goal of a lockdown is mass testing to avoid the virus spreading further. Without mass testing, and fast turnaround times, we』re literally locking people in to see how many people die and hoping they only infect others in their own homes. Unless you』re a healthcare worker. Negligence on a gargantuan scale.

    P.S. I had Covid-19 and got through it but it』s not nice. Can all European governments who haven』t worked it out yet please understand their primary objective is to TEST people?! And fast! Before the economy dies and people end up killing each other (or themselves)

  13. I』m a Vietnamese, and despite strict quarantine measures from the government, we too are going through some of the worts days since the start of the pandemic. The number of cases are spirallingly high, and we are all holding our breath hoping this terrible nightmare will end soon. But people all over the world, not least our own peoples, are suffering, maybe not from the disease itself but from the constant feeling of insecurity and frustration . This may come to a nasty end, for all of us. I hope not, but I can』t really think clearly anymore. It』s horrible, I guess i just hope I won』t die too soon….

  14. No Chinese to ever enter England again and all Chinese people That are in England at the moment should be banned sent back to their own country Along with all the other foreign people

  15. be good if they told us where the most cases were so we know where the worst areas are i imagine its London where most deaths are as they are still crowding the trains

  16. Sold out by the Government. Payback for Brexit. Nurses n doctors should walk away..just like the government have. It'll be a lot worse than Italy. 1200 dead already! 50 doctors have died fighting this in Italy. Nurses..who knows how many dead and infected! Its absolutely how they are being left to deal with the governments total failure to protect its people. Go home and stay safe. Herd immunity will save the day. Italy now 11,000 dead. Terrible

  17. South Korea everywhere hand sanitizer in front of the entrance elevator bathroom ect. Also checking temperature and Everyone wear mask plus citizens cooperation

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