?星球大戰:第五集-帝國反擊戰(1980)|完整電影預告片|全高清| 1080p

導演:歐文·克什納(Irvin Kershner)編劇:利·布雷克特(Leigh Brackett),勞倫斯·卡斯丹(Lawrence Kasdan)(劇本)明星:馬克·哈米爾,哈里森·福特,凱莉·費舍爾

#MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie。

  1. Honestly I'm really fucking pissed off and just irritated that this movie wasn't released on May 21 in the year 1979. Which would have only been two years after the first movie which was released on May 25 1977. Plus usually at least from what I know usually movie sequels or sequels to movies come out only two years after the first one. And on rare occasions within a year like the Lord of the rings movies which came out within a year of each other. Which is one of the reasons those movies are so popular and overrated. Because they did something pretty rare by releasing the movies within a year of each other. So to me it doesn't make sense why in the HELL that star wars the empire strikes back didn't come out just two years after star wars a new hope. Instead of three years later like it did which makes me pissed. And I think it would have been better and more awesome that way if star wars the empire strikes back came out on May 21 1979. Cause then there would have been two star wars movies from the original star wars trilogy that would have came out in the seventies instead of only one and two star wars movies in the eighties which I HATE.

  2. (1:29) That was from the deleted scene where a wampa broke into the rebel base and was locked in that room and C3PO removes the warning sign to trick some strormtroopers to open the door just to get eaten by a wampa

  3. my god, we've come a long way in presentation in the past 50 years. Would love to see these visuals redone from a Blu-Ray with better narrative and the music in full blast!

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