?CLEOPATRA(1963)|完整電影預告片|全高清| 1080p

導演:約瑟夫·曼凱維奇(Joseph L. Mankiewicz)編劇:約瑟夫·曼凱維奇(Joseph L. Mankiewicz)(劇本)拉納德·麥克杜格爾(Ronald MacDougall)(劇本)主演:伊麗莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor),理查德·伯頓(Richard Burton),雷克斯·哈里森(Rex Harrison)

#MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie。

  1. Один из лучших фильмов ХХ столетия с одной из красивейших женщин в главной роли!!!

  2. Deberian desir la verdad en las peliculas…que practicaba la magia Cleopatra,hera reptilian…mataba,carnibora humanos..satanica…cuidan su moralidad…

  3. Damn 'man' your the big evil..you are a born sin
    But you don't know
    The only man I allowed into my private room and taught my tricks.
    But money..fame..pampering… made you blind..your ignorance…
    Killed me..
    Now I will kill all ignorance in the world
    With my love..wash off your sins
    You had a crush me..but my mission never allowed
    And you just felt my presence is enough
    They cheated you…they might have said it is a gift..and killed you too..before I open it
    Now same history…

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