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觀看直播:特朗普在USNS Comfort準備出發前往紐約時發表講話。

  1. There are clear signals that Trump is PENALIZING (withholding aid) certain states …

    … because he doesnt like the governor.

    I dont understand why the media (eg CNN) isnt digging deeper to find out whats happening!

  2. I'd really like to see more data in these briefing similar to what Cuomo is doing in his NY State briefings. Where are we numerically on our apex curve? Where are we numerically on our ventilator bed capacity versus estimated need? NY's briefings are the gold standard (in my opinion) and WA should be on par with them in terms of content.

  3. If medicine for diseases such as Malaria and even Lupus have been shown to be effective against Coronavirus then the government should ask that more of these medicines should be made to help those in need until a proper cure is created. Why is this not happening?

  4. I have a video on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) ? on my page, check it out and learn what it takes to stay safe and GOD bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

  5. March 29th still homeless and drug addicts everywhere on streets spreading this virus in Baltimore Maryland Do they want them to die or spread the virus ?‍♀️???☣

  6. Stay inside people. Stay safe. CHINA's WUHAN CORONA VIRUS is out to get you. China is accountable for thousands of death all around the world.

  7. Okay the hand sign guy is not even saying 10% of what the Governor is saying. OMG What is it with that state? They can't run the state properly and they can't even get a sign language person to do their job correctly. Shameful. SAD ?

  8. Did you guys see the story of Andrew? The Harvard director that is…was over the Bio Chemical Department of Harvard? FBI just locked him up for withholding info about his ties to WUT (A tech university in Wuhan) and Chinese Government… This is not a test. This just happened!

  9. What is the name of the congresswoman? I believe she was the one interviewed regarding the purchase & negotiating involved with PPE and ventilators & other equipment.

  10. Why complain about prisoners being abused for manufacturing antibacterials, or sewing gowns and masks? If I was in jail, and I had the skills, I would love to participate in sewing masks and gowns. The difference is that these people are getting their supplies and the specifications for their production. I don't think these prisoners loose sleep or a meal being OVERLY dedicated trying to help during this crisis. Prisoners are bored to death! Some keep themselves busy reading books, writing, taking care of canaries, etc. It is my opinion that Human Rights activists concerned with the prisoners being ABUSED, should just lay off, and let them help. It's not as if they are rodding sewers or being put to do work involving bodily fluids from which they can acquire diseases without protective equipment or gear. Please!

  11. in CHICAGO IL, I hear RUSH MEDICAL CENTER is getting lobbies and large waiting rooms ready for beds and to treat patients infected with the COVID19. Also heard from a reliable source that MCCORMICK place is also going to be transformed into a "hospital type" facility, so that patients can be treated . My question about MCCORMICK place is this: Are volunteers or employees getting free parking in order to facilitate their participation and assignment? Besides the Army, Navy or whatever other resources are available, how are the Mayor and Gov. of Chicago staffing these places if they can barely keep the nurses & doctors in real hospitals, are over-worked, burning out quickly, and so limited in supplies and equipment (placing their own life and health in danger).

  12. It's great to see human beings, who are altruistic; who have common sense; who are prudent; and who are not ignorant to callers/reporters or those who interrupt the speaker (which often happens to the best of us).

  13. Yes it is true, one of the speakers from Indiana, was interviewed yesterday morning and said that this was the case. The individual indicated that this person was point blank told by the company, that they were instructed not to sell vents to that particular State. in other words, what is happening is that Trump is creating conflict between the Mfg. Companies and the States which are either not being Trumpian Trolls, or bootlickers, or praising him on the media whenever they have the opportunity to do so. Why? Because every time someone speaks highly of Trump, they are campaigning for them and endorsing him; that's the way HE sees it. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump would threaten states with the withholding of ventilators, PPE, medical personnel, Beds, treatment space/locations, unless they venerated him, and said nothing negative about TRUMP. He knows what he's doing. But karma is a B….. and eventually, it will catch up to him.

  14. THAT'S RIGHT, As Nancy Pellosi told one of the persons who interviewed her; shes TOO BUSY DEALING WITH OTHER THINGS TO BE PAYING ATTENTION TO DONALD RUMP'S TWEETS! I'm glad you all feel the same. Working cohesively is very important. Who cares about Trump wanting praise and admiration for providing PPE, Ventilators, etc. HE HAS A RESPONSIBILITY TO GET THE HELP THE GOVERNORS AND LEADERS OF EACH STATE, NEED, without expecting praise, love, hugs, and kisses. That's what Melena is there for. If she doesn't fulfill her role as a wife, that's too bad for Trump; there's nothing we can do about that. We don't all require as much love and admiration as he needs, and there's some of us who NEVER kiss anyone's butt; we are USED TO being resourceful on our own!

  15. I feel so sorry for the undocumented, since they don't qualify for ANYTHING. Imagine yourself not qualifying for mental health, medical insurance, public assistance, LIHEAP assistance, Housing, and even banking. I know people who have made their lives here in the US, and they have money saved at home, but because they can't qualify for a home loan, they keep their money there, in case they become ill. They've told me about the bank loan officers who often ask if they are documented. What are they now, ICE employees or advocates?

  16. INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C is saving many lives in China; 50 out of 50 Coronavirus patients in one Shanghai hospital. Do your homework. Research INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C, LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C, and other natural supplements which can keep you healthy.

  17. HEY EVERYONE!!!!

    You can make masks/gloves out of socks, bras, shirts, even UNDERWEAR!!!!

    Yes you can make masks out of anything even soda bottles but make sure you make a some space between your face and the fabric

    Also donate your pc or server power to the folding project as it uses computers to simulate the virus and find a cure faster

    And tech companies. Where the drone delivery services?

  18. Great to see the US forces mobilizing and being assigned duties to help in this pandemic fight, Go USA! (and good luck from Norway… 😉 )

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