《洛杉磯最好的》-官方預告片-5月13日在Spectrum Originals上首映

從《壞男孩》(Bad Boys)的製片人那裡,「洛杉磯最出色的人」緊隨塞德·伯內特(Syd Burnett)(加布里埃爾工會)的身份,他最後一次出現在邁阿密,將一個毒品卡特爾打倒,這似乎使她複雜的過去變成了一名LAPD偵探。 Syd的新搭檔Nancy McKenna(Jessica Alba)是一位工作母親,她也有著同樣複雜的歷史,Syd被迫面對自己的無禮生活方式可能掩蓋更大的個人機密。在規避規則的同時挑戰洛杉磯最危險的罪犯,和速度限制,Syd和Nancy成為街頭和彼此生活中不可忽視的力量。


Spectrum Originals於2019年首次亮相,是高級原創電視劇的首要目的地,獨家提供給Spectrum視頻訂戶按需且無廣告。這項免費服務將與由索尼和布魯克海默製作的電視劇《洛杉磯最好》一起開播,該劇由加布里埃爾·尤恩和傑西卡·阿爾芭主演。 Spectrum Originals是Charter Communications的一項舉措,是Charter在市場上領先的視頻產品的最新擴展,其中包括地區體育網路及其屢獲殊榮的Spectrum News服務。有關Spectrum Originals的更多信息,請訪問www.spectrumoriginals.com/lasfinest。 。

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE that Spectrum has easy access to L.A.'s Finest in the Guide! Love this series! Keep it coming, Spectrum!!!! I watch this almost every day, mostly I see it in the guide and it draws me in!!!!

  2. Boy this is a cringey asf feminist sjw bullshit show… and even if you take away the fact that it's full on feminist propaganda, it's a generic shitty action show where Jessica Alba is suppose to be the comic relief?! Lmao

    This shit gone be cancelled asap, so looooooong!! lol

  3. I read most of the comments here. Sadly, shows like this give policing a bum rap. Sexy women with guns. Badass, bad mouth and wise-gal. No wonder young folks mostly distrust police, and there are some knuckleheads on the job. Very insulting to female officers who (whom?) put their lives on the line. Heck, if it gives you a laugh, go for it. Just take it with a grain of salt. With all due respect to everyone that likes this stuff. Fuhgeddaboudit.

  4. I totally forget they was doing a bad boys spin off but I will say I liked the trailer plus I liked Gabrielle Union in bad boys 2 she is a good actress plus my favourite actress Jessica Alba is in this two loved her since the classic movie Honey.???

  5. Trailer kinda trash, but loved Jessica Alba in Dark Angel, one of my all time favourite shows. So I'm gonna give this a shot when it comes out.

  6. Why is it so boring? It looks like another uninteresting crime TV show. It would have wanted a bit of funy innovation and bloody action in the style of Bad Boys 2 and The Punisher. Then I would give it a chance.

  7. Very forced. Bad Boys is good cause its Bay style but a natural one, it just flows in the right way.. this shit just looks like someone tried to copy Bad Boys in the worst way possible.

  8. im confused as fuck so Spectrum was going out of buisness and now they have original tv shows and cell phones there commin hard for that money

  9. Honestly this looks freakin' fantastic. Perfect combination of action, a whole lot of witty one-liners, and seemingly spectacular chemistry between Union & Alba (who has needed an action show since Dark Angel). SIGN ME UP!

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