Xbox Series X規格井噴後宣布PS5硬體發布活動宣布

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 -帕克·拉森(Parker Larson)
 -Vin Giorgio
 -查理·加爾文(Charlie Galvin)
 -Matthew Szalkiewicz
 -彼得·弗巴(Peter Vrba)
-Abdulaziz al Senaidi
 -亞歷山德羅·塞里奧蒂(Alessandro Ceriotti)
 -達里恩·坎寧安(Darien Cunningham)
 -普里斯瑪特·德拉貢(Prismat Dragoon)

  1. dis_gon_b_gud.gif. Excited for both consoles, and more importantly, excited for the GAMES.

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    – Shaun

    – Nem3sis

    [BIG BOSS]

    – Brin

    – Parker Larson

    – Phil

    – Vin Giorgio


    – Alex Moretti

    – Charlie Galvin

    – Joe Hunt

    – Jonathan Ball

    – KSH

    – Matthew Szalkiewicz

    – Michael Redmond

    – Peter Vrba

    – Shepard Gaming

    – Time Dragonlord


    – Abdulaziz al Senaidi

    – Alessandro Ceriotti

    – BattleBladeWar

    – Darien Cunningham

    – Gerardo Andrade

    – Lex Henry

    – Mark Taylor

    – Prismat Dragoon

    – Theron Webb

    – Yue

  2. That save state feature is pretty neat, except that emulators have been doing this for almost 2 decades, and console developers are only just now implementing it (not counting Wii U VC)?

  3. I am impressed at Microsoft's dedication to back-compat so you can still play as many games that you own as possible on the brand new system. Even use the new controller on your older XB1, that's pretty nifty. Wonder if you can use the older controllers on the new one as well.

  4. Going 120fps for a console makes no sense. Sorry not sorry. The average console consumer has an average TV and the average TV has a refresh rate of 60hz. to put in effort and ressources into a feature the large majority of your customers won't even be able to experience does not make sense. if anything, games should instead get a more stable 60fps during high loads.

  5. Next gen console yet Xbox still has the same shitty controller… cant wait to play with my new Xbox SX ccontrol that will have a faulty bumper in one month of use

  6. I don't really like the sound of "custom SSD"… what does that mean for swappingband upgrading? Does it mean we will have to buy overpriced propretary SSD? Prob too early to ask but personally i don't like it

  7. I'm sure it will be a good price for the value but they are adding new "features" that my PC could do 5 years ago. The custom SSD is just a proprietary NVMe drive which has been out for a while. I wonder if it is NVMe 4x or 3x.

  8. For those of you who are hoping for another useless brand loyalty-based console war, please remember:
    1: though they have always managed to be somewhat different from a PC, disregarding the ps2 and 3, the new Xbox is as close as you can possibly get to a gaming PC, so the comparison isn't even thinly veiled anymore, one of two things will happen, either Xbox fans will switch to actual PCs, or they will stick with it in favor of what few exclusives the system will have at launch. Xbox series x is just an artificially restricted gaming PC, just saying
    2: there can't be a console war because that would require 2 different consoles, as stated above, the things that were getting with the series x have been available on PC for about 5 years, so this is once Again PC vs console, and Xbox will win, not because it's a good console, but because it's a PC, and therefore if there is an idiots console War and it does win, it will be a hollow victory, not to mention most of the games on streaming services these days are available on PC as well and unless they are an MMO, most don't require a subscription to play.
    And finally 3: expandable storage and memory has basically existed since memory cards, so don't buy the new console JUST for that feature.
    If you're going to buy it, buy it for a multitude of reasons, buy it because all the friends you made over the years are on Xbox, buy it because you like what few IPs that are actually good Xbox exclusives and want to keep playing them(basically halo), buy it because you love how the new console looks like something we should be getting 20+ years into the future, big black monolith like it is. DO NOT just buy it for the performance like some mindless sheep. If that's the big reason you are buying the console, when most systems these days average out in performance across the board, and one console has SLIGHTLY higher numbers than the other, then congrats, you're part of the problem. You're the Xbox gamers everyone hates. The ones that support shady business practices that plague the gaming Industry like microtransactions, the ones that support the elitist ideal which the later gen 360 and xbone were built upon, and the ones that will rabidly defend the graphics as the biggest and only reason a console is on top just because you've been doing it for so long. This comment is for you, greedy elitist pricks, and all you normal people that play Xbox, keep being you, because you are the ones that make Xbox live fun to be on. 🙂

  9. Sony: "Anything you can do, I can do faster, I can do anything faster than you."
    Microsoft: "No you can't."
    Sony: "Yes I can."
    Microsoft: "No you can't."
    Sony: "Hold my Corona."

  10. It will be interesting how the down economy due to the corona virus will affect xbox sales, could this give Sony the advantage being the cheaper console?

  11. You know, you can buy a plug and play kit for your xbox controller and do your favored plug in and charge thing.

    I personally like not having to throw away the entire controller if the batteries stop holding a charge. I never understood how being locked into an internal battery pack was in anyway better than having your own replaceable battery pack you can change out whenever you want.

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