
在這個來自Peaceful Valley農場和花園供應的有機園藝視頻中,Tricia向您展示了如何種植杏仁樹,以便您可以享受這些營養豐富的堅果!



  1. A friend of mine here in Australia took some seeds from there farm 50 years ago , his wife soaked some seeds in a bucket with some water in it about 10 years ago ,they sprouted and have a lovely almond tree from there farm they sold all those years ago. Recently he give me some of those seeds there 60 years old now and I』m going to plant some, if you keep the seeds looked after they have a very long shelf live . His mother cryed when they grew that little tree from there farm, how special is that.

  2. Once I was walking on the sidewalk and found an almond seed. I then noticed I was standing right next to one in anothers yard. So I took it home and planted it. Now I have a 4 year old almond tree. I don't know what type it is or if it will produce but I love it.

  3. Hello there! I'm so interested in organic gardening. Almond are not native to my place which is a tropical climate. Is it possible to grow almond tree given that it always a full sun, rain and clay medium? Or should I do something to improve the soil? Is it an invasive species? And lastly, do you sell saplings or small almond tree?
    (almonds are so expensive here because it is imported)

  4. hi
    I live in India . I want to cultivative names almond trees in my farm .I what to know almond trees is grown from whole seed or from other method .or trees are available in plant nersares.

  5. Hello, how much time does it take from planting the seed till first harvest? Also how much time between harvests? Lastly approximately how many kilos per tree in each harvest?

  6. Hi Tricia. Excellent video. Do you or anyone on here know what would be the ideal pollinating partner for the Bitter Almond tree. I have two trees that need pollinating…thanks

  7. Odd… I thought Michigan was part of the united states. Please remember that although almonds are primarily southern crops, they can be grown all the way till zone 6. Parts of Michigan are zone 6. And Michigan wasn't even located on your map. You need to be a little more conscious of these things.  

  8. Hello trisha, do you happen to know any solutions to getting rid of aphids on a plum tree? I've had my plum tree for about 2 or 3 years but it was already about 5 and a half feet tall when I got it but never had a problem with it until last year when the aphids were under the leaves. Would you happen to know anything I could do to get rid of them if they come back this year

  9. Nice video. If I did grow an almond tree – and I just might since I live in one of those southern states 🙂 – I probably would let the birds eat them all. Not really fond of almonds but the trees are pretty. I would really love to try to grow macadamia nuts. If I had to pick a favorite that would be it. This video has me curious now to see if I could grow my own macadamia nuts here. I am going to check into it and then try it. 😀

    – Heidi

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