觀看:特朗普在冠狀病毒救助船USNS Comfort上發表評論

特朗普總統在USNS Comfort從弗吉尼亞州諾福克市飛往紐約時發表講話。 USNS Comfort將治療紐約都會區沒有冠狀病毒的患者。
#PresidentTrump#冠狀病毒#COVID19 #USNSComfort
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  1. If to be true. Why is it that heroin users are not affected by the Coronavirus? Though not likely to be admitted, maybe we should look there for an antidote.

  2. Dear mr. James I am appalled after watching the segment on the TV on how President Trump handed coordinating the ventilator project with mr. Navarro the ventilators required to be tooled-up in order to be produced in quantity reducing the tooling required to make these ventilators in quantity takes time neither President Trump nor mr. Navarro have any idea what it takes to accomplish that task I don't think they're going to be able to produce those in Lordstown Ohio plant it needs to be produced at the detroit-hamtramck abandoned Assembly Center after that circus stunts that I witnessed on the television I'm not voting for President Trump and he will not get my support in the next election I don't appreciate them beating up on my car company I've been a GM fan all my life always purchase General Motors products I even worked inside the car company for many years I know how it functions it has a culture all by itself President Trump doesn't recognize that you just don't open the doors and say build ventilators it doesn't happen that way there's a process and procedure that needs to be followed mr. Navarro is in the same boat and I'm not going to tolerate it that type of behavior from either one of them It was very unprofessional and it did more than annoy me. My patience was Congress and President Trump is gone. I just hope that they come to some resolution to be able to give everyone in need a ventilator to counteract this virus which should never even been here. Enjoy the day and may God bless America

  3. THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF FACE MASKS IN THE WORLD TODAY…MY father joined the Australian 8th Light horse regiment and served extensively during WW1. (he married a much younger woman late, "my mother"). Being a farm boy and being orphaned at 9 y/o he was fostered by the next-door farm neighbors and his job was looking after the horses a job he became very good at and made him particularly useful in The 8th Light Horse Regiment later (they were not cavalry but mounted infantry). Upon arriving at Gallipoli in Turkey there were no horses and mostly hills and mountains, no good for horses. He was transferred to the 3rd Light Horse Regiment temporally which was the medical regiment, he was in the front line often. He spent a lot of time in the trenches bathing soldiers rotten feet with Condy's Crystals. His extensive medical experience at treating horses made him a very good ambulance officer. I asked once as a child did he ever do stitches for injured men and use horse tail hair to stitch them up, he nearly fell off the chair laughing saying he had done thousands of stitches with horsetail hair…my point of this is that at that time most bandages, as well as face masks were reused, he told me it was that or no bandages at all. The patients did not suffer (many were dead) and boiling and washing bandages and masks was common practice. With a much better understanding of sterilizing face masks today, it is ridiculous that they cannot be just washed and sterilised after being used once or twice or 3/4/5/6/7/8/ times. There is no shortage of face masks today.

  4. Let's do the math:
    If 30k gloves/masks a day is what Trump says they needed before and now they are asking for 300k a day ( he thinks its too much).
    So if 1 nurse sees 30 patients 5 times each in a shift, then times 40 nurses in a large hospital, then times 214 hospitals (New York State has 214 hospitals) equals 1,284,000 masks and 1,284,000 gloves PER DAY that they need but don't have! 300k is nothing compared to the amount they actually need. That is just hospital need and does not even include the nursing homes, Skilled nursing facilities, out patient rehab, Home health agencies and nurse on call companies. PPE should be changed each time they enter and leave a room but they are putting their lives at risk by reusing the masks. They are asking for more because they are preparing for the apex/climax. You don't ask for supplies during, you ask before so that you have what you need.
    *You can stop reading here if you get it. If you still don't understand, keep reading:
    Trump said " they are using more than they did before even when the hospitals are always full". He says "They are asking for 10k, 20k, to 300k." Then he said they must be going out of the back door. He is clueless as to how healthcare works. I know from personal experience. Under normal circumstances Healthcare workers don't always need to use PPE, even if a hospital is full. It has nothing to do with being full, it has to do with if the pt has a communicable disease or if their is a question of it. So Typically, Gloves are used only a few times a shift ( if that ) unless you have a pt who has an infection or communicable disease ( ie. HIV with open wound or bleeding, HEP, other open wounds or risk of contacting body fluids). Nurses, doctors and therapists don't wear gloves with all pts. You can go months without having to use a mask unless you have a pt with active TB, MRSA of nares, pnuemonia etc.  Gowns are typically used even less ( maybe once a month in a general hospital depending on setting or the floor you work on). Ventilators are used even less unless you have an emergency case, or are in a specialized hospital that focuses on respiratory conditions or trachs such as Kindred hospitals or long term acute cares. I can go 6 months to a year in my setting without needed to use a mask unless I have a cold that I don't want my pt to catch or if the pt has pneumonia, flu, is on chemo etc. However, now that we have a "Global Pandemic" we are using masks all day with all pts, Gloves most of the time along with a lot of hand washing, etc.  So for him to stand there and ask why they need more now when they didn't before. Ofcourse they do!! Technically under normal circumstances you are supposed to remove and discard your mask  as you exit the pts room and then get a new one upon entering the next pt room ( if you need it). You are not supposed to be wearing a mask between pts or all day. Also, CNAs ( certified nursing assistance also wear gloves to change pt briefs, all bathing and self care. Somebody professional please speak up and tell this guy how it works in health care.

  5. East v west as usual, banks trying to ban cash because of no interest rates, bail in on your accounts, holy God, may we stick together, may we do something about it

  6. Good morning mr. James you're right we should have known about this stuff and we would have never been in the shape that were in now the whole country is at risk


  8. Dear mr. James good information I had no idea that occurred and I have to agree with you 100% should have never sent the stuff to China

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