冠狀病毒:NHS England says沒時間自滿?@BBC新聞-BBC

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NHS英格蘭醫學總監斯蒂芬·波維斯(Stephen Powis)在政府最新的冠狀病毒新聞發布會上警告說:「現在不是應該沾沾自喜的時候了。」


商業秘書Alok Sharma還宣布了破產規則和NHS供應鏈的變更。







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    0N Saturday 1 February 2020 13:26 ………………… …………………………………………………..

    The sight of coach loads of Britons being escorted into quarantine by police and officials wearing protective suits is reminiscent of Hollywood disaster movies, so it』s hardly surprising some members of the public are worried.The reality is, while the coronavirus does present potentially very serious risks to public health, it is not nearly as serious as it could be.

    Every year in the UK hundreds of people are killed by the normal seasonal flu that annually spreads around the globe, with new strains emerging each winter leading to thousands of people being admitted to hospital.According to Public Health England more than 3,150 people needed intensive care for flu in the 2018-19 winter, with 312 patients reported as having died.

    One estimate of the total number of people infected by the coronavirus suggests as many as 75,000 people could be infected in Wuhan. Which would potentially mean the mortality rate is much less than currently thought.

    So the risk to the public is low and the chances of dying even if infected are also very low. So why has WHO declared a global emergency and why are countries taking such drastic action?

    4TH FEBUARY 2020………..The World Health Organization has said there is a "window of opportunity" to stop the deadly new coronavirus becoming a broader global crisis

    The comments come a day after China's top leadership admitted "shortcomings and deficiencies" in the country's response. The government has also been accused of downplaying the severity of the virus at the start of the outbreak and in some cases, attempting to keep news of it secret.

    Dr Tedros also reiterated his call for countries not to impose travel and trade restrictions, saying 22 nations had officially reported such measures. He urged them to be "short in duration, proportionate" and reviewed regularly.

    But Chen Xu, China's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, said some restrictions went against the WHO's advice and told countries not to over-react

    on Tuesday 3 March.
    Coronavirus action plan launched uk The Prime Minister introduced the plan at Downing Street

    Published 2 March 2020

    As of 9am this morning, 4 further patients in England have tested positive for COVID-19.

    All 4 patients had recently travelled from Italy. The patients are from Hertfordshire, Devon and Kent. All are being investigated and contact tracing has begun.

    The total number of confirmed cases in England is now 37. Following previously reported confirmed cases in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, the total number of UK cases is 40.

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    Published 2 March 2020

  2. prove it ? give us the data and lets see what unyielding problems these people have ? , we no your manipulating the number like Italy has ,to push this mass hoax further , why no give us the truth ? people on the ground are sharing multipliable video that keep getting deleted showing there is no epidemic , media using people deaths as covid19 but the parents are mad that there loved ones have been used to push this propaganda and fact they died from already bad illness

  3. Big bubble. Who did the diagnosis about corona for these 2 "GUYS"when the same moment all nation have been called don't bother NHS stay home die alone. I think they just try to hide them from peoples anger. Well will recover from Brexit will recover from Corona(if it is true..) with extra unpaid working hours oh apologies flexible working system..



  6. The last time the British media was united in spreading fear and misleading information like this was in the build up to the Iraq war. If they want to create a police state with as little opposition as possible, they would lock the country down as they have done in Italy and Spain (which hasn't reduced their rate of ALLEGED deaths). They cannot do this without our compliance. I believe the death toll stats are inaccurate and TRUE mortality rate is the same as the common flu. If millions have it and only 1,200 deaths, I am right.

  7. Conspiracy theories aside the facts are as follows. It appears (check the evidence
    yourself, it's quite substantial) that both SARS and COVID-19 came from wet
    markets in China, this is extremely unlikely to be a coincidence. Wet markets
    are dangerous environments, different live animals of different species stacked
    on top of each other in cages in unsanitary conditions, dripping blood, feaces,
    pus, urine, literally onto the animals below, these animals are then being
    slaughtered in the markets in these conditions and sold to the public for
    consumption . Any biologist/virologist worth their salt will tell you that this
    is exactly the kind of environment that is most likely to cause viruses to jump
    species. The topic that is not even being talked about is why no one in western
    governments is putting pressure on China to outlaw wet markets.

  8. Please help me to produce #corona_helmet
    The best solution to reduce the spread of the Corona virus
    Since the exact date of the arrival of a vaccination against the Corona virus is unknown and the earliest date may extend for more than a year, and since the isolation case cannot last for a year or more, this has a negative impact on the economy.
    The best solution to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus #Corona_Helmet Since the isolation case cannot last for a year or more until the arrival of vaccination against the Coronavirus this has a negative impact on the economy. We need #Corona_Helmet
    A helmet that protects the entire head, depends on the shoulders, it will prevent the person from touching his face as he does not need to touch his face if he needs to adjust position as it happens in most masks, with a full circumference of the face, it protects the mouth and eye and The nose, if the wearer carries the virus, the spray will not fly around or in the face of someone who deals with it, the helmet is provided with a microphone and headphones that allow dialogue between its wearers, the helmet is provided with filters, limits the spread of the virus from inside the helmet to the outside and vice versa, the helmet is provided with small fans that change the air Inside, the user will not feel uncomfortable.
    We can add all kinds of technology that is easy for a person to use. The size of the helmet allows the front space to be a screen that can be like Google glasses. You can add Internet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity to it, meaning that all luxury and services available on it can be added to it. Mobile phones and tablets
    It may seem strange to face criticism, but if we want to protect ourselves and avoid economic depression as a result of isolation and stoppage of work, people must realize that we are in war and in wars we always use helmets for protection.
    The goal of the helmet is to protect the main outlets for the spread of the virus in humans, mouth and nose eyes
    The helmet allows the user to do their work to avoid the bad economic impact of the isolation situation
    It will help health and patient care workers work with real protection
    Prevents the spread of the disease from those who have not yet discovered the disease to others

  9. yes all this from some shitty disgusting market .. look what you done thousands of people dead and still dying people lost jobs doctors dying people fighting for food .

  10. So if you want to win a political election this year, just point to bubble boy or girl politician and say elect me, I might let you out of the house next year! Maybe.

    Depends on what wonderful things happened after Turkey attacked Syria that never would have happened if we had not looked the other way?

    Remember the only acceptable number of deaths is zero, except if you are an unborn baby? Then it is negotiable?

    When ever a politician says no lives lost is the only acceptable answer there are only two possible reasons, they think they are gods, or are after your wallet?

    I refuse to eat out anymore as a matter of protest, I hope people reject the money and businesses do not borrow one dime as these hypocritical politicians have failed to defend civil liberties. You want to crash the economy? Not me.

    This is not par for course. Malaria drugs work, which is the safety net we were looking for, not mass house arrest.

  11. This coronavirus is getting on my nerves because you've to wash your hands all the time and keep surfaces clean, you've got to distance yourself from others, can't stick your fingers in your mouth, can't cough, got to stay locked indoors, can't shop like normal, everything is closed… Basically it sucks, hoping this nightmare will end soon. ? And all this torment and nonsense all because of China's incompetence because they caused this coronavirus. ?

  12. The invisible 「smoking gun」

    Coincidentally, the 「accidental」 release of Covid-19 (or Chimonia – pneumonia from China), miraculously occurred after Mr Trump initiated a trade war with the People's Republic of China, resulting in thousands of Chinese factories going to the wall, and a dire recession on the cards for the Chinese economy.

    Meanwhile, the USA』s unemployment rate was at an all time low. And with the economy booming, President Trump was assured of another term in the Whitehouse.

    Now due to a bat bite in a seafood market thousands of miles away, the tables have turned against the US economy: there are now almost 3.5 million US workers unemployed there and it』s going up daily.

    So, which country will emerge from this plague the stronger, the USA or China?
    The population of the USA is just over 331,000,000 (331 million)

    On the other hand, China has a population approaching 1, 440,000,000 (1.44 billion).

    As of 29 March 2020, the USA』s total number of cases were103, 729 (+172 new
    cases), with deaths totalling 2,227 and rising – eventually reaching 250,000?

    In China, the total number of cases stands at 81,439 (+5 new cases) and
    3,300 deaths in total.

    So, China seems to be getting back to work, while the USA is experiencing a public health disaster of biblical proportions.

    It does not matter how you cut it, with a population of over a billion people ready to kick-start the economy again, the death figure of 3,300, though terrible, is a drop in the ocean compared to its total population figure.

    However, in terms of percentage of population, the US figures of 103, 729 cases and 2,227 deaths – and rising, could be apocalyptic for the US economy, plunging it into a deep recession, exactly where China was heading as a result of the US v China trade war.

    How many Chinese citizens died during 「the great leap forward」 under Mao? More than 3 million!
    This means that Communist Party of China, with a non-Western mindset, is ready to sacrifice its citizens to get what it wants, a new booming economy – right?

    Everything I have reported is just coincidence of course, just like the nightly gathering of fairies at the bottom of my garden is a coincidence, and Santa, just happening to be holed up in his North Pole retreat, eagerly waiting to deliver a second wave of presents: including another invisible smoking gun? – I sure hope not.


  13. If we can get through this before everything goes survival of the fittest. China need to pay for releasing this plague on the world.

  14. People shouldn't worry about the virus. If your time's up it's up and you can't run away from it just live for the moment. We will see each other on the other side. Bless you all

  15. First You make people sick and then You gone sell Him a cure ? Or necessary medical equipment that will safe his life?That is what's happening all over the whole world not only in USA. Italy ,Spain, France Thousands of death's so China can make more profit to cover the losses caused by Trump's new tariffs ?Thank You for making this so obvious .Anyway we all know what they have done, and they will pay for IT. This is the END of another failed communist regime. It will take same years for the workers to find their "balls" and cast the shackle's of slavery.And we can help them with a long lasting quarantine . For now We all are a Chinese prisoner's of war under house arrest , waiting for the death sentence .Playing for real the Russian Roulette any time we go shopping .

  16. Don't mean to sound negative but I'm really sad (and angry) at how UK have dealt with the virus. About 1.5 weeks ago at Stansted, it was unbelievable how few were wearing masks, no questions about the virus at the border, no thermal scans, people didn't seem to be on a high alert mode despite UK having >3k cases already with >100 deaths. No info on the clusters of outbreaks, no info on where +ve patients been to publicly, where/from whom the patient might have contracted it, at which hospitals being treated, lack of tracing their family members/close contacts – All these have been carried out by Singapore and South Korea generally agreed as the gold-standard in how to contain the virus (they don't need lockdown!).

    Instead of cautioning how serious this virus is, people made fun of the virus and laughed about toilet rolls. Haven't we seen the horrors in Italy, China and Iran? Being complacent, made fun of the virus and blame it all on the Chinese will save us from virus infection and pandemic perhaps? Please stop comparing it with flu – It is life-threatening pneumonia

  17. "S Williams flu vaccine are available"
    Vaccines are produced from dying toxic matter. When your healthy body is being injected with vaccines, you are injected with toxic matter taken from elsewhere. When your body rejects it, and flush it, you will be fine. When your organism is to weak to cope with these toxins, you are in trouble. Cold is a reaction to violent temperature change within. We are told that vaccines are injected to prevent this. That is to prevent undesirable temperature change that result in cold or flu, or whatever it is called. These warning signs have always been there for ever. They are not bad, they are good. It is a warning signal like pain. You need it to survive. If you don't feel pain when you are stung by a bee, or break your leg, it means you are dead.

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