Xbox Series X可以擊敗PS5嗎?

我們回答您的Xbox Series X問題!
關於Xbox Series X的真相:
Xbox Series X遊戲玩法:
110歲的DVD !?


  1. Everything on the ps5 is weaker than the series x except the SSD, and no ssd on the planet will improve "graphic fidelity" the only thing the I/O is going to do is improve loading times.

  2. How many damn times do we need to freaking answer this ? It』s a god damn 60$ controller I would rather have the ability to add my own barriers weather it』s a charge kit , rechargeable batteries and std batteries vs a non replaceable battery that pretty much means your controller is shit in a couple years.

  3. It's so sad how many of you believe this is genuine and both of these guys aren't just paid and sponsored shills to give you an artificial view and basically just advanced marketing. You foolish little children will never understand and every console they bombard you with crap

  4. Wouldn't mind if they came out with two versions of the controller to appease both sides. I have my trusty eneloops and will own a standard controller, but would also like to own a version of the new controller with a built-in battery like the Elite v2.

  5. Bottom-line, nobody freaking knows. Nobody has even laid eyes on a PS5, nor is there any commercially available software for either console to compare.

    So no, you can't compare two things that aren't even available to view yet, let alone own or play.

  6. Kinect was ahead of its time. If they perfected it instead of shoving it down people』s throats, Kinect may have been doing well now. It had potential to be much better technology than VR. Don』t see VR really taking off. No one wants to game with a helmet on their heads, especially for a long period of time

  7. HEY! It』s me! I am the guy who likes to use double a battery』s in my Xbox one controllers! And I have three or four so can』t remember, too many regardless!

  8. Great channel, it』s my first time actually finding it and I really enjoy your guys show. Quick question, did Microsoft mention anything about making larger NVME memory cards over a 1 TB?

  9. One thing I want to see changed in PS5 and Xbox Series X is from disks to memory cards or flash drives. At some point, we may the consoles have trouble reading disks. Also, it』s faster to copy what』s in the disk.

  10. I am glad they are sticking with the AA batteries. I have a dozen rechargeable batteries and just swap and go. Unlike on my PS4 the internal goes dead and I have to stop playing as I don't have a convenient place to charge them and paly at the same time.

  11. I』m currently suffering from having a display that is too good for my Xbox. 144hz vs most games at 30fps. It』s a 1080p monitor so I hope that my games will give an option to use 1080p with 120fps. I know some of my games probably won』t do that but I』m hoping to see it in some.

  12. With an in built battery you would have to buy a new controller a year. Rechargeable AA batteries will make the controller last years longer.

  13. Yeah Microsoft still uses AA batteries but at least PowerA is still around making wired controllers. I'd rather use a wired controller than keep going buying batteries all the time, I using a PowerA controller right now lol.

  14. I'm one of those weirdos that likes AA batteries, my launch PS4 controller barely holds a charge nowadays, and let's not even talk about a PS3 controller

  15. Can NO GAMES beat amazing EXCLUSIVE GAMES? Once RTX 3080 is gets revealed all those Xboners are gonna be crying.

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