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  2. EMDR and CBT therapy will help speed up your healing process everyone! Please google it and see if EMDR therapy is near you! Good luck my wounded warriors! You got this!! ?

  3. I don』t believe myself to be a victim, however, I am more prone to taking the blame for everything with narc X and narc family members. I believe my work is to give them some of the blame back and not keep carrying their shit for them. That』s my growth path.

  4. Taken down to our knees. Shut up the pain . So many of my friends expect that but I just can』t . I』m sitting with the pain and this too will pass and I』ll be stronger against these people.

  5. Is it safe to say that being lonely is so crushing because I was constantly yelled at, accused of something, told all my faults all day every day and the chaos had me coming and going, confused and just always drama all the time. I left Sept 2, 2019, after 8 years of physical, emotional and narcissistic abuse and I stay in my apt all the time alone and never go out socially. I like being alone, but I guess just miss the companionship at night. I can』t even imagine telling another guy all my baggage. I go from so sad to so angry to thinking about him again. When I take a step forward I get knocked back 4 steps. I don』t know how to get over it and move on. And my close family are too afraid to ask how I am so I don』t talk to anyone about the crazy, mixed up feelings that still are controlling me and no excitement to do anything. I don』t want to get back to the old me. I want to find a new me that』s emerged from this horrible nightmare. I did learn I』m a huge empath, never thought that before and that I do believe in love. And want it. Not marriage but a committed loving relationship. I feel like it』s never going to happen! ?

  6. All my life I've tried to stuff the bad feelings or run from them with distractions. Guess what. It doesn't work. I recently discovered two tools that's changing my life. Centering prayer and welcoming prayer. Centering prayer is me sitting silently and learning to still my mind and be quietly in the now with God receiving his love.. often those stuffed bad feelings will arise but now I accept them, feel them and welcome Gods presence and action into them. Often they go right away and the sting also. It's slowly changing me and were pain was now there's peace.

  7. I started a new job six weeks ago, since then I've been treated disrespectfully by the coworkers and boss. I've been
    Treated less than and punished for performance that did not need to be punished because I was doing well, I was being mistreated by an obvious narcissist and the minions that were following him(trust me on this). I've put in to be transferred back to my old job, I don't feel I deserve this treatment. So I decided to lay down boundaries and leave. Do you think I'm taking a healthy stance by protecting myself and leaving?
    Please let me know melanie.

  8. The main key I think it』s to let go of the victim mentality , I think when we stay in victim mode we allow other narcissist in, it』s good to recognize we were victims but it』s not good to stay in that state of mind . The advice and tools are great to recognize patterns. Thanks Melanie ?

  9. What are the 3 steps? I know she's covering it, but I need bullet points. I have an inability to listen to long explanations and stories. She's great – her information is good – that's why I listen. Can you put text on the screen or put it in the description, please?

  10. I agree with these. As far as the last one, the narcissist in my life is my mother. Therefore I did nothing to bring her into my life, I had no choice who would be my mother. I do believe that going forward I need to heal those things in me that will draw more manipulative people into my life. Some days I feel I have made it so far and others I feel like I』m not healing at all. I hear this healing journey is a roller coaster. I hope everyone stays the path and heals. We are victims no more, we are survivors and we all can one day be thrivers. Love to all. ? And thank you to Melanie.

  11. Dear Melanie you』re special you』re able to put words on my pains and traumas. I』m a Narp gold member now(after silver) and signed for the empowering course too. Its still difficult actually and I have a legal meeting on September the 5th to talk about my 6yo baby girl. I really need to be stronger before. Somewhere inside of me I know I can do it. I』ve been able to walked away from me the wheelchair 4 times in my life. I know I』m stronger than my fears tell me. Honestly I』m from France and it is such a waste that you cannot reach people who speak French. I don』t know why but I』m an exception in my country maybe because I』m a quater American but half of my brain work in English the other half in French. I also receive some help from a French doctor. It』s too bad if you allow me, that your QFH is not available in other languages. I wish I can help spread the healing. Here too there is a lot of N.
    Lots of love namaste

  12. Yes, we cannot make crazy act sane, i have accepted this fact now by listening to your lectures. And we cant be healed by just knowing all about it. I have to do the steps no matter how difficult it is.

  13. I find when I dig into the real problem ( my self esteem) to let go. I start forgetting day to day needs. Lose keys, lose money, forget my parking spot. Nothing life threatening, but it』s scary.

  14. ❤️ My truth discovered on my own for some time after I left this situation ..this was a million dollar lesson and I am through giving my power away..I am a winner not a victim

  15. its amazing listening and naturally understanding what you're saying as if its common conversation, you reach really deep and im so appreciative for you to voice it.. things that i feel but cannot say to the general public because they cannot comprehend and it just comes across as madness. I'm in a new phase of my recovery that i didn't know was going to happen.. the aftermath once ive severed ties with my children's father, i thought it would go away, maybe take a month or two But what im going through may almost be more confusing as the original source isn't in my life and im just living it through triggers with people and events that didn't mean to cause the feelings i have, and cant understand what im going through, and mostly are scared of what they see, which exacerbates my pain. Thank you so much I feel so much hope. It's mind boggling that you are saying everything i feel down to the deepest molecule. much love

  16. This is one of your best vids. I would enjoy a written summary of main points cuzz I'm tired right now and won't remember. I'm a visual learner. Thanks. ?☮️?

  17. I didn』t understand the part you said at 17:24, the people who are meeting us will either reflect how integrated we are or show us where we are wounded..would the narc not reflect us back we are wounded even if we are whole because that is what they are?

  18. Beautiful, Melanie! The perspective of quantum healing, the inclusion of the true positive of finding the truly innate strength within ourselves as a result of seeking recovery from narc abuse. Through the chasms in our health, soul, and emotional bodies that are carved by the narcissists' abuse… we come back to ourselves. I am really feeling a miracle on it's way… coming into my own power. Thank you SO much!

  19. Dear Melanie, so so grateful for your very deep insights on all your videos and impeccable clarity. Can I write to you personally and not discuss on the open forum just one time. If not no problem, I understand. Thanks so so very much!

  20. Amazing Work and tools Melanie Tonia. ???♥️ Self Care and deep inside Work and feelings!!! … You crack the code in so many levels … You bring hope and healing insights this is so twisted … Spirit and deep soul Work!!!

  21. Melanie, After being with him for 5 yrs and being understandable with the death of a family member 2yrs ago. Being patient waiting for him to wake up and notice I needed attention and love. He's done everything from your vanishing video using the excuse when I had a nervous break down a year ago as my guilt of cheating on him. This very last breakup in the beginning of April was it for me. Now I'm doing everything in this video trying to get him to realize things he has been doing and for what. He has no emotion or empathy towards my feelings but yet I keep trying. The hardest part is we work together side by side 3 day a week and he says he wants to stay friends because he still cares about me and loves me. Even though he met someone right after the last breakup and is now seeing but wants me to be respectful to him at work and not talk or hug any of my Male friends in front of him. What else can I do?

  22. Hi Melanie- I』v lately been very inspired by Abraham Hicks concept of vibrational energy and positive focus and find it working similarly to your concept of quanta- one thing that frustrates or puzzles me is thinking about the narc and how they attract what they want! So easily! I feel like it』s unfair! like lawofattraction says my negative or my fears or other things are blocking me from attracting the positive and good whether it』s people or experiences or the like but the narcissist seems to get what they want every time. And they do it fast so what vibrations or signals are they sending out ? You would assume I think I』m just getting my answer – They are hooking into a part of that is sick? But I also imaginethey must be sending out I am wonderful I am someone you want -come to me -and people come flocking.Or is it just indicative of how many damaged people are out there they prey on. But from their side I still see that they get what they want every time. Thoughts?

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