

繼《哥斯拉》和《孔子:骷髏島》在全球獲得成功之後,華納兄弟電影公司和傳奇電影公司的電影《怪獸Verse》進入下一章,這是一部史詩般的動作冒險,使哥斯拉與流行文化史上一些最受歡迎的怪獸交手。這個新故事是在加密動物機構Monarch的英勇努力下進行的,該機構的成員與眾多神靈般的怪物對峙,其中包括強大的哥斯拉,後者與Mothra,Rodan及其最終的剋星三頭王相撞。吉多拉。當這些古老的超級物種(僅是神話)再次崛起時,它們都在爭奪霸主地位,從而使人類的生存處於懸念之中。 。

  1. The voice over is the only thing that keeps this trailer from being a masterpiece. Kind of like how the human storyline kept GKOM from being the best monster movie of all time.

  2. A: I LOVED the movie sooooo much(so I watched it twice in theater』s) and B:seeing 「monster zero」 in the smoke gave me chills the first time I saw it and even now it』s giving me chills(that means I like it a lot because of it doing it). Ps:who do you think will win, Godzilla or Kong?

  3. Did anyone notice Godzilla and Mothra are born in water
    And Rodan and Ghidorah born in fire?
    The colour scheme of blue meaning light and good vs orange red meaning dark and bad is so layered
    This movie really has so many layers
    Fuck the critics

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