
在美國,已有超過100,000人被診斷出患有新型冠狀病毒,造成1,500多人死亡。由於一些資源仍然有限,全國各地的醫院不堪重負。 NBC的Erin McLaughlin,Kelly O’Donnell,Kathy Park,Geoff Bennett和Kerry Sanders報道了《今日周末》,Syra Madad參加了分析。



#Coronavirus #WeekendTODAY


  1. this is a massive psyop to bring in the new world order. there is absolutely NO WAY united states could possibly have 185,000 total cases 2 days after this video, while China, the most densely overpopulated country only has 83,000 total. united states supposedly took extra precautions to keep us all "safe", so where did all these massive infections spreading at such unprecedented rates come from? are they spraying corona virus down on us through the chemtrails? or is it all FAKE NEWS to destroy the American way of life and bring in the one world government and strip us all of our rights

  2. I live in one of the top 5 largest cities in the US. Our hospitals are empty. Went to ER for non COVID19 related issues and I was the first and only patient in the ER. Why they are trying to create mass panic is what I cant figure out.

  3. A single death is hard, hundreds of thousands deaths is real TRAGIC..It is

    such a difficult time for us all …I wish it was just a bad dream…I wake up and its all over…Please God ? hope its over and I hope that a VACCINE will be invented soon? . TOGETHER we can fight this virus….???Watch this video to find out where ? the COVID 19 started,myths and facts ? An interesting & must know video ?Watch now ? https://youtu.be/wUDW76JGcrY

  4. 1 – When the epidemic is over, Netflix or any other company will make a huge movie about the Corona virus and the role of doctors and their suffering in fighting it

    2 – Hollywood actors come out of their mansions hidden in them during the epidemic, and then play starring roles in the movie while wearing the white apron above them.

    3 – The film succeeds unparalleled success and earn millions of dollars from it to increase it in their bank accounts that are already full of their pricing.

    4 – The film is nominated for Oscars, actors, and artists attending the ceremony, with a price match that is almost greater than the salary of real hero doctors throughout the period of fighting the deadly virus.

    5 – The movie will reap all the prizes, gifts and people cheering for the accomplished actors

    6 – The real doctors at this time will have those who died in the virus, and the rest will suffer from psychological and neurological problems because of the pressure that was on him and the people who died in his hands or saw them die in front of him every day.

  5. Trump and his China hawks wasted precious weeks quarreling with China over his trade war issues instead of preparing for this viral infection now overwhelming the US.

  6. A 21 year old girl and an infant died in the USA.

    A 12 year old girl in Belgium and a 16 year old girl in France died.
    All because of coronavirus…

  7. How do we know the hospitals are over whelmed? Is there any video proof of the amount of Corona virus patients in these hospitals? I'm rather skeptical, I have always been the kind of person that needs proof. We are hearing a lot of conflicting reports about the extent of this Corona virus how do we know what the truth really is ?

  8. They are lying its been 100% exposed completely. The CDC holds patents for it and it can be cured completely with real medicine made with herbs.

  9. Oh say can you see where our freedoms have gone?
    What was easily lost by our apathy and greed.
    Banksters put us in debt, obscene profits bad bets.
    In the still of the night,There was no o-ver-sight!

    While we cheered our HOME TEAMS, bailouts stole all OUR DREAMS
    Outsourcing our jobs, closing factories down!

    Oh Say can you tell me who our leaders represe-ent?
    Corporations run the show, and along we must go!

    On the shore, dimly lit, politicians were split
    by lobbyists galore – making deals on the floor.
    Health insurance sky-high, no-one cares to ask why.
    Now Big Pharma makes the rules. FDA is their tool!

    No-one noticed A THING, the real news was MIS-SING!
    What news we might hear Covid panic and fear.

    Oh say can you tell me what our government has done?
    In the land of the sheep, and the home of the bribe.

  10. @ Peter Alexander: While I truly sympathized with you when the Dodo-In-Chief berated you after you asked if he had any words as a leader should to calm a scared America, I really struggle with the thought, why can't the White House press corps up and walk away in a show of solidarity when one of their own gets bullied like so? I just don't get it.

  11. Don't worry we pumped 2.7 trillion into the market within a week and no waiting…you'll get your check in 3 weeks cause you're peasants! Hospitals so overrun we can't show how filled they are but here's some people in a hallway see…. It's bad….

    Twitter "empty hospitals" alot of the hospitals they say are overrun yet…. Average joe with a camera PROVES otherwise!!!!!

  12. 370 million us citizens.
    20% of these become infected.
    results in 74 million infected.
    10% serious cases.
    results in 7.4 million serious illnesses.
    10% of which are fatal courses.
    is 750 thousand dead, 0.2% of the population.
    Oh my God

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