
在中國的某些地方,幾個月前首次爆發冠狀病毒後,生活開始恢復正常。但是隨著人們開始更多地外出旅行,隨著進口的冠狀病毒病例數量的增加,一些人擔心第二波可能會出現。 NBC的Janis Mackey Frayer報道了《今日周末》。





  1. Masks can prevent the spread of the virus, both to protect themselves and others, we Chinese wonder why you foreigners do not wear masks? Even laughing at Chinese students wearing masks? Unbelievable.
    Excuse my poor English

  2. American friends must not believe in Chinese reports. We in China are terrible. People can't buy food. And China is very backward. Most Chinese still live in caves. America is the most desirable country in the world?

  3. People of Occupied Jammo & Kashmir and Muslims in detention by China are asking, O, people of the world! "How is the lock down?". Everybody should be aware that "THE NATURE IS WELL AWARE OF THE CHEATERS AND CULPRITS & DO NOT APPRECIATES UN-NATURAL THINGS". So, we all must be aware, alert and raise our voices with mutual consenses against expliotation & untruthfulness in the world otherwise everybody (good or bad being in the same global-system) will face the consequences equally.

  4. Who is under influence of China and even they are spreading fake sympathy on China in the near future china would be dangerous avoid to visit china

  5. Can anyone tell me, why United Nations and WHO having such Boards of Directors, who just spent there almost life in a terrosit nations and country of which people doesn't know name or whereabouts . I observed mostly are from Islamic nations its completely operating by ISIS I think, Every reply would be highly appreciated. No matter offensive or supportive.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. When the hospital i worked at had patients with staff i had to suit up, mask,gown ,net bonet,gloves,shoe covers just do it twice for extra protection with c -virus.

  7. Another Pearl Harbour. The Radar warning was in December 2019, January 2020. So where was CIA Intelligence.?. , FBI, Impeaching Trump and ignoring the Virus.

  8. Look at this.

    The Today Show.

    Running dogs.

    Boy – You never know where you'll see 'em.

    You can't trust the ChiComs.

    At best you have to take what they allow to be shown to you with a BIG ole' grain of salt.

  9. Mancati iar animale, s au deschis piețele, nu mai aveți niciun caz confirmat, va bucurați din plin.
    Iar noi, ăștia care trăim în Europa trebuie sa ne zbatem pentru viata.
    Sincer m am saturat de voi, indopati va cu animale ca atât știți sa faceți

  10. 中國人,不要跟評論那些根本從來沒去過中國也一個漢字都看不懂的傻逼吵了。一群只接收英文消息的人好意思嘲笑接收中英雙語消息的人信息封閉,呵呵

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