免費在Heroku上託管Python Telegram Bot


-為什麼我們需要虛擬環境以及Corey Schafer如何設置虛擬環境-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5vscPTWKOk&t
-Corey Schafer解釋的「如果__name__ ==「 __main__」是什麼-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sugvnHA7ElY

  1. Thank you so much for sharing! It works beautifully! Btw can you add a comment about "git init" as I was following step by step and I wasn't able to git add . because of one missing step. Just think that it will be useful for newbies like me. Thanks again!

  2. Sir, after successfully deploying it ,i went to try out the bot, Nothing is happening.
    i have tried doing heroku ps:scale web=1 on CMD, it says "Scaling dynos… done, now running web at 1:Free"
    but the bot is still not working.

    The old way of polling still works tho.

  3. I am following your tutorial, in the end the logs is same as yours, but why my bot not running well? when I text /start, it doenst happen anything, how to check where the error?

  4. Thanks a lot but I have 1 problem it worked for the first time. Now I restarted my system and checked on heroku I can see that my .py is in running status but the bot is not working

  5. Hello Komron,
    thank you for your good videos.
    I have a question: Is it possible to code a script to delete messages after x hour from a private channel ? i spent many days on it, but i didn´t get it work.
    Maybe you have a solution for this.

    best regards

  6. I like your channel, will you post more videos about programming telegram bot? Like program the bot to send a picture and let you choose the words

  7. Видео появилось всего на день позже после того как я таки задеплоил бота на хероку. Но в любом случае интересно было сравнить подход. Полезное видео

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